Under the Tree and Teddies

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Hanzo's Pov: "What tournament? I didn't know earthrealm was being invaded?" Mileena asked.

"Not a Mortal Kombat tournament but one between the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei. We have it every year when it becomes autumn." Mileena was still a bit confused, so I clarified more. "Ever since he beat cyber Lin Kuei and forced Sketor and Cryax into hiding. Sub Zero thought it would be a good idea to have a tournament to test our Clans to see if they should ever return. We will be strong enough to beat them."

"Can I fight? She asks like a child, asking for a puppy.

"I'm sorry, but the tournament is 6 days, and we can't change the match ups without getting a headache."


"You may not fight in the tournament, but you can still fight if you are challenged. You can accept and fight if that makes you feel better."

"It somewhat does. So where does it take place?"

"At the Special Forces base, so try not to pick a fight with anyone so they don't just gun you down."

"No promises." She then gives me a hug, which I have not been expecting, but I didn't resist. "Thank you for not killing me and taking care of me." Our eyes lock, and I feel a strange feel that I can not recall for the life of me, but it feels warm and relaxing.

Minutes pass as she still hugs me under the tree. "Sorry, I guess I'll be heading to my room." As she walks away with a limp, I'm tempted to ask her to stay a bit longer, but I couldn't find the words to tell her. She leaves. I can't help myself, but I feel a but empty inside.

I head towards my room, and I lay in my bed. Why am I still thinking about that hug? Sure, it may be my first hug in years, but that couldn't be it. I lay in bed trying to sleep, but I couldn't, so I decided to go to the weaponry to see if anything had been stolen.

I unlocked the door and checked on everything, but nothing was wrong. I saw that the Kunai are in the correct spot. The twin swords are still on the walls. The teddy bear was still in the locked box , and the Kamidogu dagger was still in there as well.

I take out the bear, and a sense of warmth and regret fill my soul. To think this bear was the thing mileena gifted to him the last day they saw each other in decades.


I was about to head for the netherrrealm after Shao Kahn's demise. A woman in purple ran up to me and shoved a teddy bear in my face. "I made this for you, Scorpion!" She said happily, not knowing her father is dead.

"I hate teddies!" I snapped at her.

"You could've said that nicely." I remembered how upset she was after my rage. I did feel bad afterward, and I did take the teddy.

"This is actually some good craftsmanship. Did anyone help you?"

"No, it's pure talent scorpy."

"Do not call me that."

"May I show you something?" She seemed nervous and a but afraid.


"Please don't make fun of me." She slowly takes off her vail. I see what she was nervous and looked like she wanted to hide.

"That's it?"

"What do you mean that's it?" Mileena was surprised with a hint of happiness in her voice.

"You're not that hideous. After everything I've seen, you're one of the nicest things I've seen." Her eyes lit up with happiness, and she gave me a hug. I pushed her off after a minute due to having to return to the netherrrealm. I took the bear with a note reading.

"For the fire softy." From Mileena, to Scorpion.


I put back the bear in the box and lock it up again. I feel myself getting tired and I go to my bed. I finally get some sleep. Yet I keep thinking about her. She has changed a lot over the years. She dressed more modestly, and she has lips now.

"Wait, when did she get lips? I think she wouldn't mind me asking about that?"

When I woke up, I heard the rain pouring on the roof. I get up and make some tea. Before I could get ready to train the Shirai Ryu, I saw Mileena in a new outfit. It wasn't too revealing, but it didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Like what you see, Hanzo? I spent all night making it."

"It's looks nice. I guess your talent in bear making helps your clothes making skills."

"By the way, what happened to the bear I made you?"

"It didn't last too long in the netherrrealm." She looked upset for a moment, but then she was happy knowing I did actually take the bear. "May I have my mask back since you've made a new one?"

"No, it's mine now. Think of it as your gift to me. I'll take care of it." She started to walk with her wincing when she used her left leg.

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