(note: this shii gon be real fucking long bc im tryna fit everything I want in dis chapter)
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Ethan Reyes
📍Harlem, NY 5:30 a.m. Darrian and Destiny's house.
"Damn, it's early asab," Ethan say as he checks his phone and sees that the time says 5:30 a.m. He must have been knocked out real good because the part of the couch where he was laying had a wet spot from him drooling like a bitch. He tries getting up but he feels sum heavy on top of his legs. he looks down and see Des laying on his legs. he smiles and he gently moves her so he don't gotta hear her big ass mouth just in case she wakes up and then he goes to the kitchen. "These niggas don't got nun to eat on bro. bouta just order-" Ethan was cut off by the sound of footsteps approaching the kitchen.
"The hell is you doing in my kitchen?" Destiny says with an attitude. She must have those when she be waking up because tf she thinks she talking too. He rolls his eyes and continue looking thru her kitchen. "Where all yo food at? Youn got nun good fr fr". Ethan tells her as she just stands there looking at him in a very annoyed type of way.
"You ain't answer my question yet," Destiny says pushing Ethan into the fridge. Ohh this bitchhh. He pushes her back into the wall. "Why are you putting your hands on me?" Ethan says to her. She really was pissing him off. She pushes him off of her, rolls her eyes, and says "Since you don't wanna answer my damn question. All of our good food is in that pantry over there". She points to the pantry and he walks over to open it. And goddamn he hit the jackpot of fucking food. Ethan took everything he fucking could.
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Destiny Jimenez
📍Harlem, NY 5:50 a.m. You and Ddot house.
You walk over to the couch and sit down pulling your phone out. You open up Instagram since you saw that an Instagram account tagged you in a post.