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Destiny Jimenez
📍United Kingdom
After a few more hours we finally make it to the hotel or room or whatever you wanna call it that we're gonna be staying in for a little bit. Everyone gets out of the van, grabs all their stuff, and walks inside the hotel. (I'M CALLIN IT A HOTEL) We all check in and make our way towards the hotel room. (IMMA MAKE IT WHERE THE ROOM IS BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL YALL) You wait for Ethan to bring your suitcase and his suitcase at the same time up the stairs. "Omfg," Ethan says as he finally reaches the hotel room. "Ma, you could've just brought this up by yourself". He says as he puts both suitcases by the door and goes to sit by you on the bed.
Alabama and everyone make their way up the stairs and into the room. "It's really nice," Mya says as she puts her suitcase down and walks over to go sit on the floor by Mateo. Once everyone puts their suitcases down they all go to sit down somewhere in the room. There is a really long moment of silence until Alabama says, "Can we go do something fun? Like Alton Tower Resorts. I looked it up on the ride over here and it looks really fun, but it's mad expensive". Mya nods her head and says, "That sounds fun, what do you all think?" Everybody nods their head in agreement and Alabama buys the tickets for everyone. Which was $340.75 in US dollars.
They all get in the van and drive there. As soon as they make it there, Alabama and her crazy ass run out of the car with Mya following behind her. David, Mateo, and You laugh at the both of them. While getting out of the car with Ethan, Matthew, and Jasmine. You all enter the park, show the guy your pass and he lets you all in.
The first ride you guys go on is called "The Smiler". It was really long and went in crazy loops. Everyone was excited to go on it but Jasmine. She looked really nervous, but you ain't care. After what she said to you on the car ride here, you could care less about that bitch.
As you and everyone else were walking to get in line, you see out the corner of your eye Jasmine messing around and flirting with Ethan. She was really pissing you off and Darrian could tell. You see him walk over to Jasmine and Ethan. You guessed he was telling Ethan that Jasmine was flirting with him and that he won't getting nun of the hints. But that's Ethan for you.
You really weren't paying any attention to either Ethan or Jasmine because all of you were next in line and you were super excited. Your seat was by Ethan, which was a good thing. But Jasmine was sitting on the other side of him and Alabama was sitting on the other side of you. (If you're wondering what I mean. On one side of Ethan is Jasmine and on the other side is you and then Alabama is on the other side of you. Which is the outside seat).
The rollercoaster starts and at first, everything was going well, until the first loop came. You were a huge fan of rollercoasters but loops were not your thing. But you didn't wanna be seen as a pussy, so you went on the rollercoaster anyway.