Chapter 9- Silver Lining

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They came out of the giants room, glum, but more determined than ever to help him with his problem. They looked back at the doorway, lifted just high enough for someone to slip through, but not for Sonic to come out. He had his door locked like that, only till he was better. If he got better.

Shadow scoffed and turned away, crossing his arms as he let his mind wander around the whole ordeal. It pained him to see him in that state. He was the first person who truly tried to be nice to him, even if he didn't return his hospitality at first. And now he was there, laying like a shallow version of himself.

He glanced over his left shoulder as a noise twinged his ears. It was none other than Silver the Hedgehog, trying so hard to walk away unnoticed by the group. But he couldn't, as Shadow got his friends attention and pointed to the silver time traveler.

"Hey!" Knuckles barked. His sudden voice made Silver freeze. He nervously turned to look at them as they walked on over. "What are you doing over here? You forgot something in his room or what?"

"Oh! I just uh- wanted to see how Sonic was doing... B-But It's nothing! It's not that important!" He nervously laughed which only drew more suspicion from the others.

"You we're going to see Sonic?" Shadow questioned. His nose curled up as he furrowed his brow further.

"Uh, yeah. But it's all good! I'll just g-"

"No no no! You're not getting out of this that easily!" Knuckles said. "A week ago you were out there yelling about how Sonic is a monster and is going to cause destruction and chaos!- and while you weren't completely wrong- now you're acting all chummy about him! What's your deal?"

"I... uh... um..." Silver stuttered and struggled to strain out words from his throat, words that he simply didn't have. He finally sighed and slumped over. "Okay, fine! I'll tell you the truth."

The three stared at him with raised brows and growing suspicion. They waited as he prepared to speak to them, the truth.

"I was... worried about him."

"Really?" Tails said flatly. Still not believing the hedgehog.

"I know how it sounds. I've been a jerk since I first came here. But Sonic was being super nice to me, and after he said those things to me, about what could make him go crazy, It's just kept me thinking. And from a week ago... seeing the genuine fear in his face after he realized what had happened." He paused for a second. "I wanted to talk to him. To tell him what I know."

Knuckles scoffed. "Good luck with that. That guy has been glum for days."

"What do you know, Silver?" Tails said. "If you have anything, it could be useful for us to find out what's happening and how we can stop it."

"Well, uh, I had moved to the city about a year before he came over and started to ransack it. G. U N. tried to subdue him, but nothing was working. People were only badly hurt, as far as I know. I came back to before he began to rampage in hopes to top him before he starts."

"And how exactly did you come from the future to now?" Shadow asked. "Was it made by G. U. N.?"

"I'm sorry. I promised I wouldn't say. If it was G. U. N. you guys would have known already."

"So you're working for someone else?"

"Y-Yes. But I promise, everything I learn here will not be shared anywhere else! Im only here for Sonic, and the state of the future. Nothing else."

"You better! Cause the General would have your neck if you don't!" Knuckles Said with a fist raised.

"Yeah! Yeah I get it!" Silver nervously chuckled.

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