Chapter Two

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Haerin sat down on her couch and scrolled through her Instagram as she awaited for Y/n to come.

"She should be coming's already 7:45," Haerin raised an eyebrow wondering where Y/n could be at.

She placed her book down and walked towards the door as she heard the doorbell ring.

Speak of the devil.

As she opened the door, she looked up to see Y/n in a baggy shirt and her favourite blue shorts that she always wore after training.

Y/n continued to use her towel to dry her hair, "Sorry! I was showering just now. Need to get the chlorine smell off," Haerin nodded her head, the chlorine smell was indeed gone from Y/n's body and in replacement, a familiar smell of Lavender lingered.

Y/n removed her shoes and jumped onto the couch as she stretched her sore body. Haerin smiled as she saw that. She loved spending time with Y/n. She was always chill and comfortable to be around.

"So I called you here because of the Love Messenger task," Y/n sprang up from the couch as she heard that.

She widened her eyes, "You mean that crush application?" She swallowed half her words, almost stuttering.

Haerin placed her hand on Y/n calming her down, "Yes. That crush application,"

Y/n didn't know if Haerin did that on purpose but one thing she knew for sure was that her face was probably turning red.

"So what's the task?" Y/n swiftly removed Haerin's hand and walked towards the fridge, pretending that she needed to go get a drink.

As Y/n tossed Haerin a packeted drink, she replied,"I'm supposed to ask someone out. But that person needs to have black hair and it cannot be anyone I went out with this month," Y/n heaved a sigh of relief hearing that.

"What, why did you think I picked you? Because you did something...wrong?" Y/n shook her head in denial.

For the rest of the night, Y/n tried her best to avoid talking about the "crush application" and chose to watch a movie with Haerin instead.

They chose to watch 'The Mummy' and Haerin and Y/n had a fun time laughing at Jonathan being silly.

When the show was finishing, Haerin almost fell asleep but before she did, she remembered to take a photo. And then afterwards, she fell asleep in the arms of Y/n.

Love messenger💗:
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