Chapter Three

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Haerin woke up groggily only to realised a missing y/n and a few messages on her phone. One from the Love Messenger and one from y/n.

She opened y/n's text first as usual. It was always a habit to prioritise y/n over anyone else.

Y/n 💕:
Haerini ! So sorry I had to leave early, my coach was calling us to the pool again. Thanks for the fun night and I hope the Love Messenger thing doesn't go wrong :)

Haerin read the message again, her eyes focusing on the last few words.

"Hmmm, why does everyone seem so against the Love Messenger?" Haerin sighed, as she sunk back down into the comforts of her coach. She could still smell a hint of Lavender on it.

One thing about Haerin that everyone knows, is that she really likes Lavender. Although Haerin never really explained to them her reasoning, the group the story behind it, everyone just seem to registered that information.

On her birthdays, the group would always ensure that she would get Lavenders no matter what. Some pursuers she had also tried to win her over with Lavenders.

Well at least none of them knows I like frogs.

Haerin woke up from her thoughts when she heard someone at the door.

"Hyein?" She opened the door.

"And Dani?" Danielle  appeared behind Hyein's tall figure.

"It's us! We are here to check out your Love Messenger message," Haerin raised an eyebrow, for some reason, these two were more invested in her love life than she was.

Danielle chuckled and nodded her head, hoping that Haerin was not finding them suspicious.

Haerin shrugged that thought off of her and decided that they were probably just too bored. After all it was Danielle that cared for everyone and Hyein that wanted to know tea half the time.

The three of them sat on the couch, with Haerin in the centre. Haerin opened the message.

Love messenger💗:
Congratulations! Task 1 is completed🎉Would you like to get a clue about this person or ask a question about this person?

"Clue! Of course we want a clue!" Danielle sqeuled and Hyein death stared her. Danielle gave Haerin an awkward thumbs up.

"It's entirely up to you," Hyein insisted.

A clue please.

Love messenger💗:
This person has a tattoo on their back.

What type of tattoo?

Love messenger💗:
It's a type of symbol. I must say, it's quite a meaningful tattoo.

Haerin showed the two others the messages, only to receive back a look of worry from Hyein.

"Hey, how did the Love Messenger know that they have have a tattoo? Don't you find that a little scary," Hyein brought up her concern.

Haerin pondered for a while, "Well, they could have easily asked others about it. But honestly, this app itself doesn't make sense. How would they know if someone has feelings for someone else? I think we shouldn't go too deep into it. I'll just delete it if it gets weirder," Haerin listed out her few thoughts.
"Hyein, what should we do?"

"You are asking me. Danielle, you are the one supporting Haerin in finding her "crusher". And we two know very well that it's y/n!"

"Sorry...I got too excited. But okay, shouldn't we let this work out? Y/n has been having the biggest and longest crush ever. My poor girl deserves some love too!"

"I don't know, maybe we should just-"

"What's up? Why are you two in the closet?" Minji opened the door of the closet.

They were now all hanging out at Hanni's house and Danielle was happily talking to y/n until Hyein called an emergency meeting and dragged her into the closet.

And that's how Minji caught both of them in the closet together.

"We are um..." Danielle pinched Hyein's arm for help.

"Helping Danielle find some clothes! Hanni has immaculate taste in fashion so here we are. Danielle is going to ask someone out tonight, so," Danielle shook her head violently and threatened Hyein to keep her mouth shut.

"You two are weird. I don't think you should hang out with each other. Danielle you should go back to Haerin," Minji scoffed, walking away from them.

Danielle and Hyein then sighed.



"I hate you,"

A/N: update! Because of a request HAHA. I probably won't be working on this story that much, so if any updates are wanted just spam me 😇

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