Chapter One - The Beginning

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Thursday, December 15th, 2022 - 6:30 am

Narrator's Pov
It was a beautiful yet cloudy Thursday morning, Evelyn was getting ready for school. It was freezing outside and snowing, so she just decided to wear a slightly cropped, dark blue sweater with black jeans.

She didn't mind the cold as much; she was used to it. She had been living in Montana all her life, so it was common to get this type of weather around winter.

A little bit about Evelyn. She was an introvert, she never wanted to go out. But if her friends or family were going with her, she'd definitely join.

She wasn't very good in school either, but she tried her hardest. She was only good in English and History, but the other subjects she had failed miserably at.

She wasn't all that confident or brave, but she did take a lot of risks. She was always creative, thinking about things that wouldn't even make sense to most people.

Those things being about magic or other worlds with other people in it. She heavily believed in magic.

She had long black hair that was a little wavy and also had dark blue eyes. That was the thing that seemed to stand out about her whenever people first saw her.

She went downstairs to get a simple breakfast. She opened the pantry and got out some cereal. As she closed the door, she walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a bowl.

She then got out milk from the fridge and a spoon from the drawer in front of her. She poured the cereal in, then the milk, and put the spoon in after.

She was about to go back up the stairs to her bedroom when her brother came running down, seeming like he was in a hurry.

"Morning Evie!" He said with a smile.

"Look at you," she smiled, "you're up early today."

"I am? I thought I was late," he questioned, looking at the time on the microwave.

"Wow, I am up early," he started, "should've noticed when I saw you down here," he said laughing.

Evelyn laughed as well and asked, "do you want some?"


"Some cereal, I didn't put anything back yet," she smiled.

"Yeah sure, thanks Evie," he said, returning the smile.

She began making the cereal and once she was done, she handed the bowl to him.

"You better not make me late today," she said, walking back up the stairs.

Evan just rolled his eyes smiling even though she couldn't see him.

Evan was always late, but he tried really hard to be on time every day. He was good in school and had good grades.

He chose really great friends that even Evelyn started hanging out with them not too long ago.

He was a really nice person and helped everyone when they needed it. He knew how to cheer almost anyone up, but the person he knew most was Evelyn.

They had an amazing friendship growing up, and they still do. When one of them got injured, the other came to the rescue.

When one of them was crying, the other one would be there in a heartbeat to tell them it was going to be okay.

Usually after one of those moments, they'd decide on having a sleepover in the living room. Just doing things to pass the time and to get their minds off of whatever was troubling them. It had always worked.

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