Chapter 20

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Two Days Later...

A low moan woke Sergei out of his uncomfortable position on the awful hospital chair that was in the room. He sat up, cracking his neck and back, thinking about how that was probably the worst sleep he ever got and he had to sleep in trenches before. Remembering what woke him up, he looked over to the beauty that was laying in the hospital bed bandaged up. She blinked her eyes a few times, before looking at her surroundings. When she made eye contact with Sergei, she lifted her hand slightly and pointed at her throat. Noticing the bandage on her arm, everything came back to her. Sergei quickly grabbed the water pitcher on the side table and poured her some water in a small styrofoam cup. He walked over to the bed and hit the button to move the top of the bed upwards so she was in a better position to take a few sips. For a thank you she gave him a soft smile and sipped on the water slowly.

"I'm going to call doctor. He's going to ask you if you know who you are. You must tell him you don't. You remember running, seeing me and Maxim, and we save you. Nobody can know you are here. It's too dangerous." She didn't say anything, which he took as her agreement. He pushed another button on the side of her bed and a few moments later, the same doctor from two nights ago came inside with a new pair of slacks, green button down shirt, and his signature white coat.

He smiled when he realized she was awake. "Good morning miss. How are you feeling?"

Yasmin leaned back and sighed. "I'm tired."

"Yes. Well it looks like you've been through quite a lot recently. Do you know your name and where you are or maybe what the date is?"

"Uhhh..." A thoughtful expression appeared on her face. Truthfully she didn't know the date or where she was and that bothered her, but not as much as the pain she was feeling in her body.

"All I remember is running then I saw him," she glanced at Sergei, "and maybe another guy." She frowned thinking about the day she was actually saved. The bits and pieces she could remember told her there were four males that stormed the abandoned building. She doesn't know what happened to the other two so she was sure there was a lot she still couldn't remember yet. "Yeah, they saved me. Then I woke up here."

He wrote what she said down and commented on her behavior among a few other things on his clipboard. When he was done he looked at her again. "Alright, if you remember anything else then please let me know. We had to perform surgery on you last night and put you in a temporary medically-induced coma after this gentleman and another found you a couple of days ago and brought you in," he said, motioning to Sergei, who still stood by the bed with her newly-filled cup of water in his hand.

"If you are up for it, I need to talk to you about some health concerns before we run some tests on you." The doctor looked between Sergei and her. "Would you like to speak in private about these concerns?"

Yasmin shook her head. "No, it's fine." Anybody could look at her current state and tell that she had been through something tremendous. Now was not the time to be ashamed over something she couldn't control.

"Are you sure? You may want some things—"

The door opened and everyone turned to see Maxim walking in with a soft chestnut teddy bear and a "Get Well Soon" balloon.

He stopped at her bedside, opposite of Sergei, and looked at her. "Hello. This is for you."

She smiled and grabbed the teddy bear from his outstretched hand. "Thank you. That was so sweet of you. I really appreciate it."

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