☆ Beginning ☆

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I was swinging around the city, as usual while eating a bagel. It was late afternoon.

I was kinda chilling out there, but always ready to fight. I was wearing my black and blue suit with my hood on. This bagel is damn good, i thought to myself.

There was a lot of traffics, people were coming home from work. Pretty often, there was car accidents so I was always out at this time of the day.

I started to hear police sirens so I finished my last bite and pulled my mask fully on.
I followed the police sirens as i was shooting my webs to catch up with them to the destination.

I wasn't expecting much from the fight I was going to be in, but I should have been ready.
This fight, and what happened after, changed my life.

But.. Before, lemme tell you a bit about myself.
Hi. My name is y/n l/n. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. I'm pretty sure you know the rest.

But a bit different this time.

I love to draw and I play bass. Yeah, it's hot I know.

I made my suit myself because I'm a diy bitch. (And, I'm kinda the only one who knows about my spider-secret right).

I love animals, mostly cats, and i kinda like my current job ; saving people's life. But i ain't got any money from it, so i should maybe start looking for a job since i just finished school.

And i've been Spider-Woman for like.. 3 years ? Yeah something like that. I'm 19 now.

I have several abilities. I can stick to the walls, swing from a building to another thanks to my web shooter,  I have my spider-sense.. I'm also faster and stronger than most people.

I can make myself disappear.

And finally, I have nyctalopia and i can see through the wall if I want to. Yeah, pretty sick.

Anyway, let's all go back to what y'all were waiting for...

I swung to a rooftop where i could see what was happening. I saw a big guy, he had wings but they seemed broken. He was struggling on the ground and was fighting police officers shooting at him.

But it seemed like he didn't belong in this world.. He looked like a cartoon character.
"What the heck.." i whispered to myself as i saw him kind of glitching. It looked like a fucking video game.

I went down the rooftop and talked with the Sergent (who was my dad).

"Do you know anything about the situation Sergent ?" I asked politely, trying to change my voice so he doesn't recognize me.

"I've seen a lot of bad guys, but this one seems out of place.." he answered, frowning.

I nodded. I couldn't agree more, this guy was lost. I could see that he was scared, he was screaming all around. He looked like a scared kitten. But i couldn't wait and have pity for him. He was hurting people.

He was fighting police officers in an alley. I ran and got closer to him. I shot a spider web to take speed and gave him a pretty high kick. He fell directly on the floor.

The police offers retreated a bit.

"Who are you ?" I shouted at him.
But this poor guy lost consciousness. He wasn't that tough after all.

Suddenly.. A big tough guy picked him up with a web... kinda like i do ? And flew him off the ground.

I was surprised but my mind was fast. So i threw a web and followed this tough guy. He went on a rooftop.

☆ Both outsiders ☆ Hobie Brown x Reader ☆Where stories live. Discover now