In love with the monster (4)

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Namjoon woke up and he saw jungkook was hugging his waist tightly. A tear rolled down his eyes remembering yesterday. His husband forced himself on him. And the biggest fact was that his husband is a murderer. Jungkook woke up as he smiled at namjoon. "Yesterday night was so good. I love you so much" said jungkook as he kissed namjoon's cheeks and then he looked at namjoon who had tear in his eyes and was shaking in fear and jungkook said "I hope the thought of leaving me has changed right namjoon? Or do you want to say bye to your wonderful family?" And namjoon instantly nodded his head and jungkook smiled as he hugged namjoon. "I will make breakfast today"said jungkook as he kissed namjoon's lips and went downstairs while namjoon started crying on the bed.


After the whole crying session. Namjoon got up from the bed as he felt a burning sensation in his lower region he limped downstairs as he saw jungkook smiling and humming a song while making breakfast. Jungkook looked up and saw namjoon and he smiled as he came towards namjoon and picked him up and placed him gently on the kitchen slab. "I am sorry namjoon, I am sorry that you had to see me shooting that waiter but he is not dead right? He is just injured and you know how much I love you then why were you saying that you would leave me?"said jungkook as he looked at namjoon and namjoon said "He is not d-dead?"and jungkook nodded his head and said "No he is alive " and then said "I will not kill your family but you need to obey me namjoon ok? And i hope you will as you are my perfect husband" as he caressed namjoon's cheeks and namjoon looked down trying to hide his tears but jungkook said "Ok anyways let's go and eat"as he picked namjoon up and went towards the dining table. And sat with namjoon on his lap.


2 weeks later

Namjoon was all alone in the house because jungkook went to office. He was reading a book for time pass as he doesn't have anything to do at home. He sighed getting bored of reading he put the book away as he went towards the kitchen. He sighed there is nothing to do. He went out of the house going towards the garden , he sat on the bench as he smiled looking at the garden until he started feeling that he would just faint. He got up as he tried to go back in the house but fainted with a loud thud.

And somewhere else jungkook's eyes widened seeing the laptop screen. "oh my god" he said as he saw namjoon fainting. He quickly exited the building, running towards his car to go home.


"Joon?"he said as he saw namjoon laying on the ground and he quickly picked him up as he called his personal doctor. "What happened to him doctor? If anything happens to him I will kill you"said jungkook and the doctor looked at him and smiled "He is one week pregnant" and jungkook eyes widened as he instantly smiled "W-what?" And the doctor nodded his head as he said "May I leave Mr.jeon?" And jungkook nodded his head as the doctor went out and jungkook looked at the sleeping namjoon as he caressed his cheeks and said "We are gonna become parents. " He hugged namjoon, putting his nose in the crook of namjoon's neck.


Namjoon woke up as he saw jungkook sitting on a chair looking at him. "J-jungkook? " And jungkook smiled as he said "Oh you fainted in the garden" and namjoon said "What happened to me?" And jungkook said "Well , you are pregnant namjoon" as he smiled and hugged namjoon. While namjoon was shock because he was forced. "It can't be right?" Said namjoon and jungkook said "it is baby." As he smiled while caressing namjoon's back and then suddenly jungkook got a call and jungkook said "Wait here namjoon let me take this call"as he went out. And namjoon burst out crying while holding his stomach. "What should I do?" He said to himself. "Should I abort the child? No no  I can't do that it is not the child's fault" he wiped his tears.

After three months

Jungkook started taking care of namjoon alot. And stopped harming namjoon in any way but one day....

"Namjoon let's go out"said jungkook and namjoon nodded his head as he couldn't say no to jungkook's any wish. "Wear this"said jungkook as he gave namjoon his clothes. And namjoon nodded his head while he wore the cloth jungkook choose for him. "Let's go baby"said jungkook as he grabbed namjoon's hand.  And namjoon walked out with jungkook to his car. They were going to a business party.


"Sit here , I will go and talk to them ok?"said jungkook as namjoon sat on a couch as he watched jungkook go and talk to his business partners. Namjoon was just sitting there patiently waiting for jungkook to come and take him home. Suddenly someone placed a glass of water infront of him and namjoon looked up and said "Taehyung?'' and taehyung smiled and gave namjoon the glass of water and said "You didn't tell me that you are pregnant " and namjoon didn't say anything. "Its ok anyways. Congratulations " and namjoon smiled as he thanked taehyung and they were chatting a little.   Suddenly a wine was splashed on his shirt and namjoon looked up and the waiter's eyes widened as he said "Oh my god! I am so sorry sir" as he started apologizing and taehyung looked at the waiter and said "Don't you know how to work properly!" And namjoon said "uh it's ok I should go to the washroom" and taehyung looked at him and said "Let me take you there" and namjoon said "No , where is jungkook"as he started looking here and there to spot his husband. "He is not here right now let's go namjoon!" Said taehyung as he grabbed namjoon's hand and namjoon said "But~ before he could complete he was already being dragged by taehyung.


"Oh i can do it by myself"said namjoon and taehyung said "but~ before taehyung could complete that they heard "What is happening?" And namjoon's eyes widened as he looked at the door only to see jungkook there and he quickly pushed taehyung away and said "H-he was j-just h-helping me" and jungkook came closer to namjoon and namjoon said "b-believe me" and jungkook suddenly laughed and said "I do believe you namjoon why are you so nervous ? Lets go home. It is already late" and jungkook looked at taehyung and said "Thanks for helping my husband." As he smiled at taehyung and taehyung smiled too and said "no problem he is my friend too" and jungkook smiled and namjoom grabbed his hand as they went out. Namjoon sensed something was wrong jungkook would have gotten angry till now seeing him and taehyung together.


They were in there bedroom "Is your feet hurting? , should i massage it?" Said jungkook and namjoon said "Jungkook? You didnt get angry seeing me with taehyung?" And jungkooo sighed and said "I am trying to change myself for you and our baby. Please believe in me. I will surely change one day" and namjoon instantly felt a beem of happiness inside his body. "Should i massage it?" And namjoon said "No its not hurting" and jungkook said "Ok ok then lay down" and namjoon smiled as he layed on the bed and jungkook hopped on the bed and closed the light and snuggled closer to namjoon and namjoon hugged jungkook putting his head in his chest. And jungkook smiled ruffling namjoon's hair.


Any ideas of what should happen next?

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