Lost Cause

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One, two, three, four, five.... Yeah, it's official. I'm going to remain broke and jobless for the rest of my life. I mean how else can I explain me not getting a job after all those years of dressing up in the same black pencil skirt and peach blouse to go to interviews only to be turned down.

Come of think of it, I think being a disappointment is the only thing I'm good at. A disappointment to myself and everyone else wound me. I just hope that by the time another hospital bill comes around I would've found a way to make some money. 

I let out a heavy sigh as I approached my house, walking up to the door. Walking an hour under the blazing hot sun is not for the weak. I was sweating profusely, and my mouth was dry. 

The silence that met me as I walked through the door was something I'm yet to get used to. There was always music playing and loud melodious singing greeting me as I walked through the doors of what I once called my home.

Now it was just a house, as I realized the only reason it once felt like home was because of my mother's presence in it. 

I placed the keys on the key holder and took off my shoes, placing them neatly against the wall. No matter how tired I was, I always had strength to be neat. The whole house was clean as I had woken up way too early this morning and cleaned because of how nervous I was for my interview. 

Looking around I checked if anything was out of place, or needed fixing before I headed to my room. I was trying my best not to cry because that would only make my head hurt and I really needed to rest before heading to see my mom in the hospital.

After taking a well needed shower, I carefully laid on my bed as to not cause it to wrinkle up too much. Taking a deep breath, I stared at the ceiling and said a small praying before closing my eyes to sleep.

My alarm clock woke me up at exactly 4:44pm, as it does every evening when it is time for me to start getting ready to leave for the hospital. I got off the bed and smooth out the sheets before steaming it, then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After which I took another shower before putting on my clothes, then I headed out. Not before checking if I messed anything up to fix it. 

Her Outfit minus the jewelry

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Her Outfit minus the jewelry

"Hey mama." I greeted her with a smile and hugged her. 

"Hi my baby. How have you been?" 

"I've been great mama. I got you your favorite." I told her as I took out our dinner, which included chow mein noodles and dumplings. 

"Oh Chinese." She grinned excitedly. I used almost all of what I had left to buy this for her since it has been a while since we ate together or her having this meal. I know she misses it. After I helped her to wash her hand and mine, we began eating in silence. She knew how much I hated talking while eating. 

"So how was your interview today?"  She asked after we finished eating and I cleaned up our mess. I avoided looking in her eyes as I tried to make the foot of her bed sheet to look straightened. 

"They said they'd get back to me, but we both know they won't. It always happens."

"Ah baby, you don't know that. Maybe this time will be different, you never know." She tried to assure me, though it was hopeless. I've been rejected so many times before, I just know this time won't be any different.

"Enough about that, how about you. How are you feeling?"

"Well, I haven't felt any pain today, so I guess that's good news. And..." She was blushing. My mom was blushing. Though not visible I knew that was exactly what she was doing. 


"And nothing, forget I mentioned it." 

"Oh, come on mom, you know how much I hate it when people retract their words. Just tell me what or who got you blushing." I tried to make her talk. 

"Fine. You remember that nurse, Nurse Knight, right? Well, I think I have a crush him." My eyes widen and my jaws dropped, literally. I couldn't believe my ears. My mother has a crush on someone. I never thought I'd see the day this would happen. I mean ever since my dad died years ago, she has refused to date or even allow anyone to approach her in that manner. She said she felt as if she was cheating on him, which was understandable. Though I was positive dad would've wanted her to move on and be happy.

"Oh my gosh mom, that's great. This is actually amazing that you have decided to open yourself to other possibilities." I couldn't stop grinning. I wanted nothing more in this world than to see my mother happy. 


"Oh, Dee my love." I rolled my eyes at my best friend's voice.

"What is it that you want Monica?" I heard her gasp and then she started to fake crying.

"I can't believe you would say such to me. I'm the love of your life and that's no way to speak to me you know." I could just imagine her hold her hand to her chest as if she got stabbed while pouting. 

"I'm so sorry my dearest Momo. What can I do for you, my love?" I responded, feeding into her antics. 

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Okay so my parents are forcing me to go to this party with them and I really don't want to but seeing that I don't have a choice...." She started to explain, and I just know where she is going with this.

"Girl just spit it out."

"Okay fine, Deirdra Lewis, will you do me the honor of being my plus one to a party."

"No." I stated bluntly. The last thing I want right now is being in the presence of a room full of rich people, knowing I don't have a dime to my name. 

"Please, please, please, Dee. You know I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't desperate. And you know you are my only true friend. I have no one else to ask." For goodness' sake. This girl will be the death of me. 

"Fine I'll go."

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