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"I can't believe I allowed you to drag me out of my comfort zone for the umpteenth time." She laughed and pulled me along with her as she tried to maneuver her way through the crowd trying to get to the bar. 

"Girl, you just mad I finally got you to wear something sexy. I swear you are a very tempting woman, Dee. So, stop nagging and let's celebrate you finally getting a job after all this time."

She was right. We looked really good. It took a lot of convincing and bribes for her to finally get me to put this outfit on. Call me crazy but I love when she does things like this. Not allowing me to stay locked up all the time but to enjoy life as we know it. 

Monica's outfit

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Monica's outfit

Deirdra's outfit

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Deirdra's outfit

"Six shots of vodka and keep the dirty martinis coming." Monica all but yelled over to the bartender as she swung her hips to the song blasting from the speakers. 

"This is my song!" I rolled my eyes at her. At this point every song was her song. 

After we drank our shots, we started on the martinis. Before I knew it, we were drunk and dancing our heads off. Anyone that saw us probably thought we were together the way we were twerking on each other. 

My sudden need to pee broke our stance as we stumbled towards the bathroom or what we thought was the bathroom. After climbing up the stairs I opened the first door I found and entered. 

"Oppsie." I said after realizing that this was indeed not a bathroom. It was an office rather and the two men who stood inside did not seem too happy they were interrupted. I tried to step back but Monica pushed me in trying to see what was keeping me from entering what she still thought was the bathroom.


Before I could react, one of the men walked towards me, so close I was no longer breathing in oxygen but the scent of his cologne. Not that I minded, he smelled really good. Good enough to eat.

"Nicolo, take her and leave." My brain was moving so slow I didn't realize what was happening until I heard the door slammed shut. I turned and noticed that Mo was no longer standing behind me. 

"Wha- Where did she go? Mo? Did you disappear again?"

"She has gone home." I almost had a whip splash due to how fast I spun my head around when I heard the voice spoke. I all but forgot that someone else was in the room with me.

"Right, right. Uh who are you again?"

He looked me up and down whilst licking his lips. No response came from him, instead he walks closer to me. The scent of his cologne almost caused a moan to leave my lips, but instead I bit my lips to refrain from it. A gasp escaped my lips as he raised his hand and lightly gripped my throat. 

Okay, it's getting a little heated in here. Or maybe that's just me, because I could've sworn the AC in the room was blazing cold when I first walked in here. 

"I don't know about you, but I think fate has brought us back together more times than I can count." His voice was suddenly raspy as if it became dry. Gosh it was sexy.

"We've met before?" I asked confused by his statement. 

Instead of answering my question he pulled me closer to him causing our lips to meet. The feeling of his teeth sinking into my bottom lip caused a moan to escape me. He was kissing me. Scratch that. We are kissing, as in full on making out as if our lives depended on it.

Mr. Unknown and handsome grabbed my ass pulling me up causing my legs to wrap around his waist. The way he lifted me so easily was impressive. I almost compliment his skills but was too busy getting my face ate off. I didn't realize he was moving until I felt myself being placed on a bed. Okay where did this room appear from? He pulled away from me and I took the chance to take in my surroundings. It was a small but comfortable looking bedroom. The thought of why there was a bedroom in a club crossed my mind, but I was interrupted by the feeling of my clothes being pulled off my body. No words came from my mouth as he stripped me naked. He then took off his clothes and the sight of his body caused me to lick my lips. This man was not only ripped but he decided to take it a bit further and get himself an eight pack instead of six. And let's not mention the size of his manhood. It was enough to cause my heartrate to rise. This might be a question every woman asks themselves in a situation like this. But how will that thing fit in me?

Well, that question was answer before I could even take another breath because one minute he was kissing on my neck and the next he slammed into me. The pain that followed was nothing I would've ever been prepared for. Even my ears started to ring, and tears streamed down my face. I know I was very wet down there but not even that helped my case. 

"Oh fuck!" He exclaimed and stopped all movements. 

He slightly pulled back and looked down at my face. I must have looked like a mess as he stared down at me. Rasing his hand he gently wiped my face then placed a soft kiss to my lips and smiled. 

"And I thought you couldn't have gotten any more perfect." With that he slowly pulled out of me just enough that only the tip was left before he slammed back into me. This pace continued until he started to move faster and faster. All while he was staring into my eyes and biting his lips, his brows pulled together. 

I know I should've said something by now, but I seemed to have lost every sense of speech. All I could do was let out incoherent sounds.  

He suddenly stops and lowering his head, pulling my nipple in his mouth. He harshly sucked on it, then pulled away from my chest still having my nipple in his mouth. The sweet pain I felt from that sensation caused me to suddenly come. Letting go off my nipple, he smiled at me and then lifted my legs onto his shoulders. Wrapping his arms around them, he picked up his pace again, this time going unbelievably faster. My hands immediately went down to his waist trying to push in off a little, has the sensation I was feeling was becoming too overwhelming. But he didn't slow down, neither did he stop even for a second. The pleasure I was feeling was so good, I even started to sob. I don't know how long we went on for, or how many positions we changed but by the time he was done I was so exhausted I passed out. 

I was awoken by my phone ringing. Jumping out of my sleep I felt extremely tired. Looking around I realized I had no idea where I was or how I got here. Goose bumps filled erupted all over my skin causing me to notice my nakedness. The realization almost made me cry but the sound of ringing continued so I took up the phone answering it. It was Monica and she was pissed that I wasn't home and was questioning where I was, but not knowing the answer to that question, I told her I'd talk to her when I got home. She reminded me of my first day at work and that caused me to jump from the bed hanging up the phone, telling her I'd see her and hurriedly got dress and left before anyone would see me. 

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