The Party

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"I can't believe I allowed you to drag me with you on this never-ending shopping spree." I complained as I struggled to keep up with Monica. Why did I even agree to go to this party in the first place?

"Come on girl, we need find you a dress. I'm just glad we decided to get our hair and nails done yesterday. Last minute shopping is not advised." 

We have been walking around trying to find a dress for me for the past thirty minutes to no avail. Well, I have seen dresses that I like, it's just that the prices where blinding. Though she explained multiple times that her father was the one paying for everything, I just couldn't get anything too expensive.

"Okay fine, this is the last store. The first dress that I see and like, I'll let you buy it." She did a little spin and sigh in relief. 


We entered the store and started feeding our eyes. Everything here looks amazing. It feels impossible to chooses. 

"Alright Dee, the first one you like, we'll get. Remember we only have like two hours before we have to start getting ready." She explained.

"Yeah, I know." I continued looking around before something caught my eyes. It was a white flowy dress with ruffled, puffy sleeves and a slit up the thighs. It was beautiful to say the least.

"I think I found it."



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Deirdra's Outfit and shoes

"Is it too late to change my mind?" I asked as the car approached the house, I mean mansion, where the party was being held. 

"Girl, you got this. We are just going to go in there and drink expensive drinks and talk about shit people." She smiled at the idea.

"Chile, you know I don't have the privilege to talk shit about rich people, especially since I don't know them."

"Whatever, that's exactly what we are going to do. I'm just going to tell you all their dirty little secrets. Have I told you how beautiful you look by the way?" I blushed at her words. If I should be honest with myself, I do look good. 

"Thanks, so do you love."

True to her words, Monica did point out and told me secrets about almost everyone in this room. She pointed out those who were, dealing drugs, had children in rehab, had mistresses, had baby mommas all over but their wives are clueless about them, and so much more I couldn't keep up. All I have to say is rich people are full of drama.

 It makes me wonder how I've never noticed any drama in Monica's family. Her father was a well-known big shot Criminal Lawyer, and her mother was a Cardiologist. 

It must be a wonder how I have such a wealthy best friend yet I'm struggling to pay my mother's hospital bills and to put food on the table. Well, it is simple, she doesn't know how poor I am. She does know I'm not rich, but that's it. I mean people can not be rich and still live comfortably and to her I'm living comfortably. 

There was never a time where she suspects I was broke because I tried my best to not show anyone how much I was struggling. 

It was four years ago when I met Monica and I believe it was because of the environment and situation which we met why she believed I had money. 


"Okay Ms. Lewis, thanks for coming and we'll get back to you." The interviewer shook my hand with a forced smile. Yeah right

Just another no coming my way. As it always has been. My whole mood was ruined. I now have to go tell my mom that I'm still jobless. This was my third interview this month and I already knew what the outcome would be.

"I don't know which one to pick, ugh." I was just walking out of the shoe store when I heard someone mumbling to themselves.

"Hey beautiful, which one do you think look the best?" She asked referring to me.

"Ah that one." I said pointing to the silver pumps she had in her left hand. In the other hand she had a white one with silver jewels. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah definitely."

"Well, I must say you've got taste girl, I can imagine how often you do this. How about you give me your number and we'll keep in touch. Maybe sometime when I need a shopping buddy, I'll call you up."

"Uhm, okay sure." We exchanged numbers after which I left. And that ladies and gentlemen was how I met my best friend. She thought I was there to shop, and I never corrected that thought.

End of flashback

"You know you should've told me." I turned to her with my eyes wide open. Did I say something out loud? How did she find out?

"Told you what?" I asked just to be sure we are on the same page.

"That you would only come with your body and left your mind somewhere else. Because chile, I've been talking to myself for the longest while now. What's up with you?" That was a relief. So, she knew nothing.

"Nothing's up with me. I'm just bored." I shrugged, taking a sip of whatever was in my glass, I forgot its name. I just know it taste really good. Come to think of it, all this drinking is causing my bladder to fill up.

"I need to pee." She turned and placed her empty glass on the counter and nodded her head.

"Okay lets go." After finishing off my drink in one go, I placed my glass beside hers and then we headed to the direction of the bathroom. 

"Monica! Hey over here I want you to meet some people." Ah boy. Monica turned to me with pleading eyes, obviously apologizing and telling me to go without her. 

"It's okay, I'll be back in a minute." I told her and left as her mother drag her away to mingle. 

After walking around for a while, I finally located the bathroom. Though I was dying to pee I just had to make sure that I wiped everything down before relieving myself. Finally. After I was finished, I flushed the toilet and then headed to the sink to wash my hands. A random thought entered my mind, the hospital you were born in was the only building you left without entering... Yeah, I've had too much to drink.

I wiped my hands in a paper towel before throwing in the garbage bin. Immediately I opened the door and stepped out I bumped into someone.

"Oh, my bad, I didn't see you there." I apologized after finding my footing. It was a man. And he was just there staring at me. His face was beautiful to say the least. His eyes were as dark as his hair and face was perfectly sculpted. And boy was he tall. Even in my heels he was still towering over me. I'm 5'9 so I'm guessing he's 6'2 the least. What a handsome fellow. His aura was dark and mysterious, I even got chill from the way he was staring at me.

"Okay.... I'm going to go." I announced to no one in particular before I moved around him and left. 

Well, that wasn't weird at all....

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