First/Worse Day*

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By the time I got home I realized I only had less than an hour to get ready and arrive at the Russo's residence. After following me around my room questioning me nonstop, Monica finally allowed me to leave making me promise to tell her what had happened.  

Upon arriving, I found Mrs. Russo about to leave the house. She informed me about Alessio's routine and a few dos and don'ts. Then she made me sign a few documents hardly giving me time to read them saying there wasn't much time for that. After I finished, she rushed out explaining she had an urgent meeting and that she would be back before I had to leave. Seeing that Alessio would not be awake until the next hour, I decided to take the time and tour the house whilst getting myself familiar with everything. Every room was so huge I could fit three of my own room in each of them. The workers here paid me no mind as I wondered aimlessly around the house. On the third wing of the house, I found a room at the far end of the hall. The door was closed so I knocked and when I got no answer, I entered and looked around. One would think a vampire occupied this room with how dark everything was. The only color I saw was a green plant at the corner of the room. 

After feeding my eyes with everything around me I turned to walk out only to find someone watching me. I jumped in fright and clutched my invisible pearls. 

"Gosh, you scared me." I informed the man who was still just standing there staring at me. He looked me up and down and smiled. The way he was looking at me felt familiar, as if I had met him before but I shook it off. I would've definitely remembered if I had seen such a beautiful creature. 

"What are you doing in my room?" He asked closing the door behind him.

I gulped and took a step back when he took one forward. 

"I'm sorry I didn't know this was your room. I just got the job of the caretaker of Alessio, and I was just taking a tour when I stumbled upon your room. It wasn't intentional. Also, I really think you should add some color to the room. Not that I don't like your aesthetics, but so much dark colors throw off everything else. And by the way your plan needs some water and a little sunlight. Don't even get me started-" 

"You know, you were not this talkative the last time we were together. I wonder why?" He cut me off. Why was this handsome man saying the last time we were together? I've never met him before. Or have I? 

"We've met before?" I decided to ask him, confused by his approach.

A chuckle escaped his beautiful lips causing his face to light up. He stepped closer to me and folded his arms. Again, I felt a sense of deja vu when I smelt his cologne. But no memory of meeting him came to me. 

"I find it funny that you also ask that question every time we meet. But I understand if you are trying to be clueless as to cover up whatever embarrassment you might be feeling." With that he pulled me to him and attacked my lips. Realizing I was making out with a complete stranger, I pulled away and pushed him.

"You can't just go around kissing people like that. I could sue you; you know." 

"I think we've passed that stage now. We're no longer strangers love." He spoke as he stared into my soul. His eyes sparkled with something I just couldn't put my hands on, but I didn't like the feeling I got from it. 

"Okay I'm going to leave." I started to walk away only for him to pull me back to him and gripped me by the neck. If I wasn't so scared at the moment I would've probably like what was happening to me there and then.  

"I think I need to give you a reminder of our previous meeting, since you seemed to have forgotten."

With that he slammed his lips to mine and roughly started to make out with me. I tried to pull away from him but his grip on me was too tight. The words of objection from my lips I tried to speak were muffled by his. This cannot be happening. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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