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If you see any grammar mistakes, please comment. thank you!

and if i didn't mention this before, i will know. i will be using modern slang and modern clothing at time.

Hazel didn't let go of Sirius, not even when the hug ended. james sat down in front of Hazel after a quick minute of patting her on the back. 

The screen turned black and then began to show foggy figures standing around the camera. Then the screen became dark after the camera blinked. the figures became less fuggy the more the camera flashed. soon, you can see a smiling older version of James, Sirius, and Remus standing next to him, also smiling. 

" wow, I look like a hot dad," James called. He started to sing, " I'm sexy and I know it." while flexing his arms. 

" shut it, James, I want to see this!" Lily scolded. James only smirked at her and blew her a kiss. severus scowled from the Slytherin table.

" Look at her. She is a Beauty." Sirius chuckled. " Be breaking hearts her whole life, ain't she," he added. 

" More like no. No boy ever getting close to even looking at her." James glared at Sirius. 

James looked down to, who we now know as Hazel, with a beaming smile. He reached down and picked her up. " Hello there sweetheart, it's daddy." Baby Hazel giggled. the camera moved a few feet away, showing the hospital room. lily lays on the hospital bed, gaining color to her face.

" James give her here," Lily ordered, holding her hands out.

Many women laughed in the dining hall. Bellatrix looked at the mothers, jealous. her hands laid flat on her stomach. Rodolph looked over to his wife. He embraced her into his arms. he rubbed her back and whispered in her ears all the comfort he could think of.

" Alright, then Mrs. Potter." the whole hospital room laughed. 

" You still say that even after our honeymoon?" Lily asked James as he carefully transferred baby Hazel into her arms. " Yes, why not?" James kissed Hazel on the forehead then kissed Lily on the lips. She only grinned at him and then looked down at her baby.

She pulled back the blanket over he head, showing her thick curly tuffs. then she lightly traced her fingers on the newborn baby's cheek. Baby Hazel snuggled into her mother's chest. The camera lifted to Lily's smiling face as she was about to speak, only for the screen to go black again.

"AW! I wanted to see more baby Hazel." Fred whined. Hazel laughed, " You have seen plenty of baby pictures, Freddie." she peeked over Sirius's shoulder. james and Sirius shared a look, then turned around to glare at Fred. who looked at them fearfully. " Sorry, sir." he smiled meekly Hazel looked at the two grumpy-looking boys and giggled, covering her mouth.

James looked over to his daughter, " Your mother does that. Cover her mouth when she giggles."

" You noticed?" Lily poked. James nodded, " Yeah, along with how you always smile for a few then laugh, also how you get your quill out before you lay your  books out."

Lily blushes as she sinks into her chair. alice giggles into her hair and whispers something to lily that makes her sequel. sirius high-fives James.

The lighting bolt that matches hazel flashes on the screen, glowing. It glows brighter and brighter until it flashes again. The camera zooms out, showing a fleshy forehead. It zooms down and there's a click. The light shines on a young girl with thick curls all over the pillow, slightly tan skin, and a skinny face.

Hazel Potter // WTMWhere stories live. Discover now