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Gods & Monsters
chapter one


CHAPTER ONEBallbreaker

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CHAPTER ONEBallbreaker

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IT HAD been two weeks since she had started at The Original Beef

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IT HAD been two weeks since she had started at The Original Beef. Two weeks of training under Richie, building relationships with her coworkers, and watching Carmen through the expediting window as he worked. The latter seemed to be a majority of the work she did. She liked watching him move and cook, the confidence in his movements. It was like second nature for him; like he could do it in his sleep. She wished she could do that.

          She stood at the cash register, emptying some change into the drawer. Carmen was cooking away, readying the meat for the day ahead. "Smells good," she called to the kitchen, smiling slightly to herself. It always smelled so good in there. Her head snapped back to the window as she teetered back, spotting him leaned over the meat with a smile present on his features. That was a good enough reply. Knowing she made him smile was a feat in and of itself.

GODS & MONSTERS ━━ Carmen BerzattoWhere stories live. Discover now