CH 1 : The Boy and Donuts

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"You can't come in here anymore."

"What do you mean? I have a 24hr membership." I question David, who had stopped me from fully entering the gym.

"I know, but the managers are banning you. Apparently, you've been abusing the system." He rolls his eyes, tilling his head slightly to the left, pointing out the three managers watching. I think one was secretly - yet it was obvious  - recording. 

"What? How have I?" Sighing, I pulled my coat over my shoulders more, making it harder for the managers to record my outfit. "Of course they would..." I recognize the one recording. 'Bastard.' "Whatever, no point complaining at the messenger. Can I at least access my locker to get my other items?" He tells me to wait, disappearing into the staff door, only to reappeared with a bin bag

"I collected them for you, I hope you don't mind." He hands me the bag. Doing a quick check, I made sure I had my essentials at least. Thankfully, nothing was missing.

"Thank you." I handed him my member card, sent him a smile, a glare at the managers before I left. 'This is just great... All because I wouldn't... God I hope his wife leaves and takes everything...' 

I ended up just walking for about 2 hours, I found a small hideaway that allowed to me changed into more appropriate clothing, stuffing the outfit I was wearing in the bag. Most, if not all, of the staff at the 24hr gym knew my situation, so every now and then, they would hide me things. It seems that their parting gift was a backpack, some extra sanitary items, a large t-shirt, I assuming it was David's, and some cargo shorts. They even left me some money.

"Well, I might not be able to wash the sins away, but at least I can have a doughnut and some tea. Oh, maybe I could get a hot chocolate instead, it's been some time." It didn't take me long to find Griddys Doughtnuts. Stepping in, I saw it was empty, no customers and no staff. I decided to go against my intrusive thoughts, and stick with my original idea and sat at the bar, dinging the bell, signalling that there is a someone waiting. 

5 minutes went past and rather than a staff member entering, another customer did. Strangely, he sat near me, leaving only a seat between us. He too, dinged the bell. "I'm really hoping that they're just hard of hearing." I say plainly, the teen just gave me a side eye, before snapping his head to face me. "Long day?" I joke chuckling. "Must have been for you to not notice me. You sat right next to me." He looked like he's seen a ghost, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Yeah... Something along them lines." He turned away from me, dinging the bell a couple times more. We ended up waiting another 5 minutes, at which point another customer entered, who also took a seat at the bar, thankfully not near me this time, but to the left of the teen. At this point, the teen seemed more annoyed than me about the wait and dinged the bell hard several times. Apparently that seemed to work. A tired waitress appears from the back, exhaling deeply.

"Sorry, the sink was clogged." She smiles at us, bringing our her pen and paper. "So what will it be?" She asked the man first.

"Uh," He says looking over the menu. "give me a chocolate éclair." The lady nods, writing it down before glancing at me and the teen.

"Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" The teen scoffs which got her attention.

"The kid wants coffee. Black." She nervously chuckled, writing his order.

"Cute kid." She says to the man, who didn't react. 'Did she think we're with him?' The teen gives her an exaggerated grin, his dimples showing. 'What a fake smile.'  "And you?" She finally asks me.

"I'm not a kid, I'm 16. But I'd love a hot chocolate and a chocolate éclair too." She smiles, also writing my order before going to turn the coffeemaker on. I see the teen roll his eyes at me. "What?"

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