Prologue Part 3: Blue and Red

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Aqua's P.O.V.:

It's been a little bit over a year since we've been born.

We can now talk and walk without others suspecting us. Even Jade knows some basic words. For a 1-year-old, he has an above-average vocabulary. He's developed his strumming skills and is capable of making some tunes with a ukulele, even if it means sacrificing tons of strings. I wonder how much money IchigoPro has lost after replacing all those ukulele strings Jade broke...

Meanwhile, my sister has now evolved into a full-on pathetically spoiled fan who calls her idol "Mama".

Ruby: Mama! Mama! Pat my head!

Ai obliged by ruffling Ruby's hair, making my otaku sibling squeal in delight.

Ruby: Hah~ The blissful pure land of Amitabha~


Ai: "The blissful pure land of Amitabha"? Where'd you learn such a difficult term?

Oh crap! Has she caught onto us!? Quick Ruby, think of something! Wait, don't stutter!

Ruby: Y-YouTube...?

Ai: YouTube, huh? To learn such difficult words from watching videos... That's a whole new level of genius right there. Must be genetics...

Yeah, she doesn't suspect us at all.

While this whole ordeal was happening, Jade was happily working on his ukulele playing. He's really good. I haven't heard of any 1-year-olds playing the ukulele, so he really is a gifted child. He inherited that from Ai, that's for sure. Jade learned how to play the ukulele from watching YouTube. Are all kids of this generation this quick to learn from watching videos?

He happily ran up to us and smiled.

Jade: Mama! Me play song!

Ai: Oh~? Jade wants to play a song for us? Sure! I'm sure it'll be a great song! After all, Jade's an amazing musician~

Jade blushed and giggled after hearing Ai's compliments.

Jade: Okay! Me make song by myself!

Ai: Is that so~? Let's hear it then!

And so, with the ukulele in his hands, Jade began strumming.

If it's true that Jade came up with this song by himself, then he's a genius. For a 1-year-old, doing this should be extremely complex, if not, impossible. I know YouTube's good, but isn't he too good!? If this was an actual song, it would probably do well as a single!

Ai: That was... INCREDIBLE! You made that song by yourself, Jade!? You're a genius~!

Ruby: He is! Jade-nii is amazing!

Jade: Ehehe~

My younger twin brother was then showered with compliments and headpats, as if Ai and Ruby were fangirling over him. And I have to admit, I'm impressed. I think that he'd do well in the music industry.

A certain president seemed to share my opinion.

Ichigo: That kid certainly is talented. Hey, Jade! How'd you like to work for me when you grow up?

Jade: Eh!? Really!?

Ai: Don't trust him! He'll eat you for dinner if you don't practice enough!

Jade: Scary!

Guitarist's Ballad: Oshi no Ko x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now