Prologue Part 5: And It All Comes Crashing Down

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Ai's P.O.V.:

Ai: So, hey... The kids are getting pretty big. Want to come meet them? No, I'm not trying to get back together.

I was currently at a phone booth, using the payphone. On a whim, I got in touch with an ex. I overheard the kids talking. They came to this weird conclusion, and I thought I should shut that down.


Aqua: I generally try not to think about it... But who do you suppose our dad is? Ugh... Just saying that depressed me.

Jade: I'm kinda curious as well. I wanna meet Papa!

Ruby: You dummies. You're letting a little thing like that get you down? It was obviously immaculate conception. There never was a guy.

 There never was a guy

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End flashback

Ai: They're really smart kids. They'll understand our situation. Hmm? Sure. Our new address is...

After I told him my address, I hung up the call and made my way back home. Things were going pretty well for me. Work was going great. I'd picked up more than a million followers. The world was watching me.

As for my lying... That's still a bit of a problem. Jade's song moved me. It made me genuinely fall in love with his talent and passion for the the guitar. The song's lyrics were a tribute to my lies, and it really made me reflect on what I've been doing for the past eight years. But still... I can't help but keep lying. I still haven't felt genuine love for my children, and I fear that I never will... But Jade's been a huge help, so I'm sure I'll be able to truly say "I love you" to them soon enough.


Ichigo: DAMN! Sake's good stuff! G'wan... We're hic celebrating your new place! Drink up!

Jade: Saitou-san looks pretty happy... Did that drink cause it? Can I have some!?

Aqua and Miyako: NO!

Jade: Aww...

Right now, we were at the top floor of my new home. We were celebrating my recent success, as well as my inevitable performance at the dome. After all, to have an idol perform at the dome was huge for the company.

Ai: Ooh, a Mori Izo!

Miyako: She's not allowed. You won't be 26 until next week, Ai-san. Be patient just a little longer.

Ichigo: Ohhh, right, right. Anyhow, that drama you're starring in is getting great ratings! B-Komachi's group schedule is jam-packed, too! And next week, we finally hit the dome! Gah ha ha!

The president began laughing heartily as he gave Aqua a noogie.

Ai: The president sure is in a good mood.

Miyako: The thing is... he's always dreamed of one of his idol's doing a dome concert. It isn't just him. The whole staff shares that dream.

Ai: Domes are that incredible?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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Guitarist's Ballad: Oshi no Ko x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now