Chapter Seven: Hotshots

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Arthur makes a left down another street as he drives the SUV. He's eager to get back to work so that he can look into this second murder with Charles. Something bigger was happening and he began to worry. Thomas Downes worked at the homeless shelter with Eliza. What if the second victim did, also? Could that mean philanthropists or church-goers were the target?


Arthur is startled in his seat. He looks in the rear-view mirror and sees Copper's head on Isaac's lap, sleeping peacefully.

"Yes, buddy?"

"Do you think Mommy will let Copper stay the night with us?"

"I gotta take him with me to work in the morning. He's going to be meeting a new friend!"


"Another K-9."

Arthur's phone begins to vibrate again, so he reaches into his pocket to pull it out and struggles for a moment.

"Oh, really?! Can I come see it?"

Arthur successfully pulls it out and pushes the answer button without reading the Caller ID.

"I don't think so, son." He brings the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"You didn't say hello at the party," A soft voice says.

Arthur's body tenses and Isaac notices the shift in his body language. He frowns, worried at what could make his father freeze up. It was the same when his mother would receive bad news from the doctor.

"Who's this?"

"Oh, Arthur, don't act like you don't know. It's me."


"See? I knew you'd figure it out," she laughs sweetly. 

"How did you get this number?"

"Dutch gave it to me."

You've got to be kidding me, Arthur thinks to himself.

"You never needed it before," Arthur argues.

"Well, I thought it would make sense, considering we haven't talked since you kissed me that night."

"That's not how it went, and you know it."

"You're right, but it doesn't really matter who kissed who..."

The hell it does, Arthur grumbles to himself.

"...What matters is that it happened. And...I think that means something, right?"

Arthur doesn't answer.

"I thought you'd find a way to reach me so that we could talk. I...I missed you, Arthur."

"It's been a long time, Mary."

"Yes, it has." He can hear the smile in her voice.

"It's in the past."

"It doesn't have to be."

He takes a quick glance into the rearview mirror again and sees his son looking at him.

"Do you realize what you're suggesting?" he asks Mary.

"Oh, Arthur, it's not like I am asking you to cheat. Dutch said that you aren't married or in a relationship, is that true?"

"It's complicated. I also have a son to think about."

"And he's precious, by the way."

"Thank you; takes after his mother."

Mary doesn't answer.

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