Chapter Thirteen: Awaken

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Eliza's heart pounded in her chest as she rushed through the sterile, fluorescent-lit hallways of the hospital. Her mind spun with worry and fear. What had happened to Arthur? Why hadn't he answered her calls? The calls she made to warn him about Micah Bell—the man responsible for the killings in the woods.

Finally reaching the nurse's station, Eliza gasped for breath, her hands trembling as she gripped the counter. "Please, my name is Eliza. I am here to see Arthur Morgan. Where is he? I...I need to see him."

The nurse looked at her with kind eyes, understanding the urgency in her voice. "He's not awake, but you can see him for a minute. He's in room fourteen."

"Thank you." She holds her purse tightly and heads down the hall.

On her way to room fourteen, she meets the doctor as he comes out of the room. The smell of disinfectant hung in the air, mixing with her fear and anxiety.

"Doctor, I am Eliza. How is Arthur?"

The doctor gives her a grave expression, his eyes filled with sympathy. "I'm sorry, ma'am," he said softly. "Arthur is unconscious. The smoke he inhaled was a dangerous amount and he took a large blow to the head. The chances of him making it are slim right now. These first few hours will be crucial."

Eliza's legs turned weak beneath her, and she fought to remain standing. She couldn't lose Arthur. Not now, not when they had so much left to say to each other. With trembling hands, she entered his room, her heart sinking as she saw him lying still, connected to countless machines.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she sank into a chair by his bedside.

"Arthur," she choked out, her voice barely a whisper. "Please, fight. Stay with us." She reached out, brushing her fingertips gently against his cheek. "I know you can't hear me...but...I love you," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm sorry for being so closed off to you. I'm sorry I am not good enough. Please, come back to me. Isaac needs you...I-I need you."

Unbeknownst to Eliza, Hosea had just arrived at the hospital. His kind eyes clouded with concern as he heard her heartfelt plea to Arthur. He stepped closer, eavesdropping on her private words. In that vulnerable moment, he saw the depth of her love for Arthur and the pain she carried within her. His heart ached for them both.

As Eliza sobbed, a sudden vibration from her pocket pulls her back to the present. It was her boss and the owner of the restaurant: Mr. Bronte. She knows why he was calling, and it wasn't out of concern for her wellbeing. With a mixture of anger and determination, she answered the call.

"Mr. Bronte," Eliza said her voice laced with bitterness. "I'm not coming into work today. I have a family emergency...What do you mean?...I've rarely ever taken time off–No. I'm not coming in...Oh really?...Well, how about I report you to the authorities for harassment then? I think it's about time I said something...You know what? I quit. Go find someone else to order around."

Hanging up, she noticed Hosea standing there, his presence a comforting balm amidst the chaos of her emotions. Hosea gently motions for her to approach him, and she rises from the chair.

When close enough to whisper, she speaks. "How much did you hear?" she asks, embarrassed.

"Enough," he smiles empathetically.

They moved away from Arthur's room, into a quiet corner of the hospital.

"I just...I can't lose him, Hosea. Not like this. Isaac needs his father."

"I know, Eliza."

"I should have told him how I felt about him. Maybe if I had been brave, maybe he wouldn't be so non-committal. He has been good to us. He risked his life tonight and perhaps saved all of us."

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