Chapter Nineteen: The Possibilities are Endless

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Eliza and Arthur get back in the SUV. As Arthur turns on the ignition, he looks up onto the porch and sees his son standing beside Hosea and Alice in Bessie's arms. He knew that when he came back he would have news to tell them all, good or bad and that their lives would forever be changed. He rotates to look behind him and backs up, turns around, and drives forward down the driveway.

Eliza has a coffee cup in her hand and takes a good drink from it. She sighs and looks out at the scenery as the morning follows them.

"Do you think Charles will be there?" Eliza asks, still looking out the window.

"Not sure. He wasn't there yesterday."

Eliza shrugs her shoulders. "I hope Edith is there. I hope that she can finally have peace after today."

Arthur takes her hand, sharing in her empathy.

"So do I."


The doors finally open to the courtroom, so Eliza and Arthur filter in with the large group of soon-to-be spectators of the ruling. Arthur looks and sees that both Micah and Leopold are in the courtroom, but they are clearly separated. Micah was wearing a facial covering made out of plastic. Arthur supposes that they didn't want to take any risks after what had happened the day before. Eliza and Arthur find a pew and sit down. After a few minutes, Arthur is poked on the shoulder and looks up to see Charles. He quickly stands up and shakes his hand.

"Good to see you, Charles."

"Good to see you too, Arthur. Let's see this sadist be sent to prison."

Arthur nods and Charles joins them.

Arthur sees Gavin and Lenny enter and sit at their table and it isn't long before the defense enters. As people talk amongst themselves the door to the judge's chambers opens.

"All rise," the bailiff calls.

"Please, be seated."

Everyone sits.

"The court will now hear the closing statements. State prosecutor, you may begin."

Gavin steps forward.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the court, again my name is Gavin White and I am the prosecutor in this case. In my opening statement, I mentioned that I would call five witnesses to testify as to Mr. Bell and Mr. Strauss's guilt. Each witness bravely testified and we have established the following facts beyond a reasonable doubt: one, that on that Friday morning, the defendant Micah Bell did in fact shoot Thomas Downes, two, that Micah Bell killed Leigh Grey just two days later in Redwood Falls, three, that Micah Bell started the forest fire near Redemption Cave, four, Micah Bell attempted to murder Warden Arthur Morgan, five, Leopold Strauss assisted Micah Bell in his drug trafficking operation, using the money he recovered for loans as the means to maintain the business, and six, that Leopold Strauss forged hunting documents and other legal documents to maintain the cover-up of the killings as well as anyone employed in their schemes.

"The state asks that your Honor reject the defense's position on the case. Micah Bell did not in fact attack Arthur Morgan in self-defense, as he so claimed, but he initiated the attack. Please take note of the injuries that Arthur Morgan sustained in his attempt to capture Micah Bell and the great lengths that Micah Bell took to destroy evidence. Upon putting out the fire, drug paraphernalia was recovered from that fire. If it were not for Arthur Morgan and Charles Smith, none of the evidence we have would have ever been recovered.

"Speaking of the evidence, the defense not only resorted to presenting falsified documents as exhibits in this courtroom but also resorted to humiliating and badgering the witnesses who had verifiable proof of their experiences. Each witness is credible and well-spoken and their testimonies should be greatly taken into consideration. They have nothing to gain by lying to the court, as there are two individuals who are now no longer with us. These deaths were not accidents. It is well known that Micah Bell is a repeat offender, and has narrowly escaped the law for the past five years. I stand before you now with confidence, knowing that the law will not stand by any longer.

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