Chapter Ten: Death and Taxes, Warnings and Debts

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A couple of weeks had passed since Eliza had shared her findings with Arthur. Upon receiving her discovery, he decided to do some more digging of his own and recovered pieces over the last few days. As he sat in his office, the pieces of the puzzle started to connect in his mind. Thomas Downes and Leigh Gray, both victims of the mysterious killings, had something in common--they had taken a loan from the infamous loan shark, Leopold Strauss. This revelation had sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

Determined to uncover the truth, Arthur decided to dig deeper into these connections. He knew that finding evidence against Strauss wouldn't be easy, as the man seemed to operate under the radar. Arthur had scoured the internet for any information, but there was nothing to be found. Frustrated, he realized he was desperate and had yet to try to find records in the Department of Fish and Wildlife, where he worked.

Late in the evening, Arthur discreetly entered the file room, hoping to find something that would connect the dots. As he rummaged through the records, the door creaked open, and Captain Monroe stepped inside, his stern expression fixed on Arthur.

"What are you doing here after hours, Morgan?" Captain Monroe's voice echoed through the room.

Arthur hurriedly turned around, startled. "Oh, Captain Monroe! I was just...erm...organizing some files," he stammered, trying to feign innocence.

Captain Monroe's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Organizing files, huh? Seems a bit late for that, don't you think?"

Arthur knew he had to tread carefully. "I was just trying to be more efficient, sir. Thought I could get ahead on some paperwork," he offered, praying his excuse would be enough.

Captain Monroe walks a steady pace closer to Arthur, eyeing him suspiciously. "Is that so? Well, it seems more like you were searching for something specific. Care to enlighten me?"

"No, Captain. I swear, just routine paperwork. Nothing out of the ordinary."

Captain Monroe leans in closer, his voice low and sincere. "Arthur, I have known you for a long time. I can sense when something is not right. If you're hiding something, I suggest you come clean."

Arthur feels his body want to move away, but he remains planted. "Captian, I assure you, there's nothing to come clean about. I was just curious about these files. That's all."

Captain Monroe let out a deep breath, crossing his arms. "Morgan, I've heard some rumors about you poking your nose where it doesn't belong. It seems you've got an unhealthy fixation on these accidents."

Arthur's heart pounded in his chest. He had expected some resistance, but he hadn't anticipated this level of scrutiny. However, he couldn't back down now, not when he had finally found some leads. Perhaps, the captain would help him.

"Captain, I believe there's something more to these deaths. Both Downes and Gray are dead within days of each other and both had taken a loan from Leopold Strauss. It can't be a coincidence."

Captain Monroe scoffed, his disbelief evident. "I understand your concern, Morgan, but let the justice system handle it. You're a game warden, not a detective. That is what the Special Operations Unit is for."

Arthur's frustration boiled, but he bit his tongue, trying to remain a semblance of professionalism.

"With all due respect, Captain, I don't think that Warden Barnes and his team aren't being as thorough as they should be. Don't you think we owe it to these victims to dig deeper? They deserve more than just being dismissed as accidents."

"Arthur, you've always been an overachiever. Always wanting to be some kind of hero. Do you think you can play detective just because you have a hunch?"

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