│1│Welcome Delightful Morn

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The sun shone splendidly in the sky and it was pleasant and light to the skin, just the perfect time to gather the grapes from the garden. I had a bun in my hair tightly pulled back, a bamboo basket, and some rubber gloves with me. To attract the pigeons perched on a Narra tree close to my hut, I inserted my thumb and index finger in my mouth and blew a whistle, which was successful.

The sensation of lightness and invigoration courses through my veins as I step outside. The weather is perfect, with a warmth that encourages me to run errands and bask in the sun, while the gentle breeze from nature caresses my face. 

As I stroll along the stone path, the fluttering of pigeon wings above my shoulders brings me a sense of serenity. Even after two years of living here, the experience still feels surreal, as if I am in a dream world. I sometimes feel like an old lady with the most comfortable retirement plan, living in this paradise.

I come to a stop and place the basket on the ground. I've finally reached the vineyard for grapes. For me to harvest them, the velvet-colored grape vines that are used to manufacture Cabernet Sauvignon are organized in at least six rows. 

"I must thank the neighboring farmer afterward," I mumbled. I pick the random grape that is closest to me and pop it into my mouth. It was sour and tangy ━perfect for my taste buds.

The passage of time was swift and unnoticeable, and in no time, my basket was brimming with juicy and succulent grapes. These grapes, with their perfectly overripe state, are typically utilized in the production of wines, but I prefer to enjoy them as a morning snack. The sourness of the fruit, coupled with the subtle tanginess of the skin, heightens my palate's senses and provides a burst of flavor that I relish. 

However, I must admit that consuming too many of these grapes sometimes leaves me feeling slightly lightheaded. As a result, I often use them as a garnish or filling when making sweet pies, which adds a delectable sweetness and a burst of fruity freshness to the dish.

Living here, away from the chaotic, migraine-inducing metropolis, is heaven for me—apart from the lingering loneliness, the bird droppings all over the place, and the scornful insects. Yet, I value nature more than machinery and enormous structures because there's less pollution and plastic litter here.

As I follow the stone trail that leads me to my abode, a white liquid suddenly falls on my arm. Then another one. Followed by another white liquid. I can also feel another drop of liquid on my head. I looked up and I noticed the pigeons chaotically flapping their wings and making noises resembling a chortle above me. 

"Don't tell me━Fuck, I forgot to wear long sleeves!" I exclaimed. As they flew away, I clenched my teeth and began pursuing them. 

They took off far into the jungle as if sensing my annoyance with them. They had a foul scheme all along and were only trying to play along with me earlier when they accompanied me. And they planned to poop all over me. I should have known. Since they are still birds, they cannot possibly know where to relieve themselves. I sighed, feeling unlucky.

My basket slips from my grasp and clatters onto the ground, startling me to a stop. I inhale deeply, exhaling a heavy sigh as I stand upright, my gaze shifting upward. The dark trees loom ominously, their gnarled branches resembling twisted fingers pointing down at me. I can almost feel their censorious eyes watching as I vent my frustration at the flock of pigeons pecking at my feet. 

"Respect nature," their voices echo in my mind, a warning to be mindful of my actions. And so, I take a step back and admire the beauty of the world around me, feeling humbled by its power and grace.

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