│2│Puppy Love

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(Ps. This story was originally written on April 6, 2022)

This story contains lofty thoughts and lingering feelings of love and hatred shared by two orphaned juveniles in the countryside.


"So you're telling me that sweet little lad suddenly kissed you on the lips without your consent and kids started calling you a moffie so you began throwing punches?"

The lady spoke, both her saggy arms at the corner flanks of my table, hindering me from fleeing her annoying interrogation.

"It wasn't just because of that. That boy kissed me on my lips without my consent!" I retorted.

"Oh my, kids these days... maybe it was just a friendly kiss nothing more, nothing less and here you are making it all a big deal," she said casually with an irksome smile, unmistakably not buying my explanation.

"It wasn't a friendly kiss! He kissed me on the lips like a homo to throw me off and it did. I punched him and he cried, and now he's blaming me like I did something horrible to him!" I screamed.

She sighed aloud, apparently frustrated. "You can't just throw punches randomly, child., Yes, he has kissed you on the lips but so what? Do you feel pestered? He already said his sorry now forgive him and explain everything that really happened," she said and tapped the table, her other arm, holding a phone.

I rolled my eyes in irritation as I remembered what occurred earlier and scowled in disgust. 

"What's the point of explaining if you're not gonna believe anything I say?" I voiced sarcastically with my arms latched together.

The lady again sighed in disbelief and fiddled with her phone. She put it to her ear. 

"I don't know what to do with this kid anymore. He is a gifted child but his attitude doesn't make up for his undeniable talents. He keeps saying these dubious excuses and even punches a kid!" she exaggerated and massaged her nose.

I shrugged in lethargy and looked at the window beside me.

Kids, my age running around the fields, having fun. I almost jested in contempt when I saw someone trip over a log of a tree, directly into the mud. I chuckled audibly at his stupidity which made the pesky crone who kept on grilling me set her attention to me.

Her eyes bore into mine, sending a chill down my spine. I couldn't help but slouch in my seat, my head drooping in boredom. The clothes they provided were dull and uninteresting, and I found myself fidgeting with them absentmindedly.

"I'll let you go off this time, kid. But if I hear another word about you getting into trouble again I won't buy those arguable reasons of yours," she said after ending the call finally, she got out of my sight and gave me her last glare.

"Goodness, haven't I said enough?" I grumbled. "That moffie kissed me on the lips and that's what really happened."

She brushed off her funny-looking dress as if I had just given her a percentage of my bacteria and turned her back. Ignoring what I said, she flared the door open and got out. But before I could sigh with ease, she opened the poorly constructed wooden door to give me her umpteenth look. I waved my hands exaggeratedly and shooed her away which made her scoff and close the door with all her might, making me jolt at my seat.

My voice echoed off the walls of the desolate cell as I screamed at the door. "You old hag!" I yelled, my anger boiling over. I continued to hurl a barrage of foul language and obscenities, the only way I knew how to release my frustration and despair.

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