Chapter Sixteen

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Escaping into the city with Bes was a far easier task than what Bailey had anticipated. She smirked having a slight suspicion that he did this more frequently than he'd let on. It was a side of him that she never really expected, but she supposed that she should have she should have seen some hint of it, seeing as he had always treated her rather gently.

She glanced to him and met his gaze. This time she couldn't help but be surprised that the normally hard gaze he wore in his dark-brown eyes were soft, and filled with mirth. His mood seemed happy and mischievous. He It was as if Bailey was seeing him for the very first time since she had come to Ancient Egypt. However, it went against everything she had learned about him in school, everything about his always cruel ways to his people. She studied him, wondering if his heartlessness was just an act.

It must be, she decided, he needed to keep it up so that he didn't have anyone opposing his rule over Egypt.

Well, she guessed, was a good thing that he did. However, she knew that there was always another way than being cruel to ones people.

Her focus quickly shifted to her surroundings as the sound of their feet padding against the sandy streets echoed about the exterior walls of the buildings surrounding them. It was then that she noticed that they had been avoiding the streets that saw any heavy use. Whenever someone would come near where they were walking they would hide until the person passed. When they rounded a corner she saw a couple of children quickly running up the street, towards them, playing some sort of game. Bes grabbed her hand, pulling her behind a wall of crates, watching as they went. They stayed there for a little while, allowing their breathing to calm down.

As they crouched down Bailey could finally feel the full extent of the suns rays on her bare skin, she could feel her skin slowly burning and cursed, causing Bes to turn to her with a confused expression which quickly turned into concern. "Are you unwell," he asked.

She nodded. "Yeah." She breathed. "I'm fine. I just wished I had put on some of my sun block before sneaking out."

"Sun block?" His confusion was etched onto his tanned face.

"Uh. It's a type of lotion that helps protect your skin from the rays of the sun...err...Ra."

"Ra is the great God of the sky and is one of our protectors, and is the Father of the Gods. He would not do anything to harm any of his subjects."

Bailey sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, biting her tongue to try and stop herself from saying anything. She was quite enjoying the peaceful moment between them and didn't want to ruin it but starting another argument with her husband-to-be.

Husband-to-be. God that sounded so surreal to her. Like it was some sort of dream. She knew that she would never admit to it, but she felt scared as fuck at the prospect of being married, let alone being the Queen of Egypt. She hoped that she would be able to convince Bes to change his mind about the whole marriage thing, because at the rate that things were going, she was never going to make it home.

Her heart ached. Her friends and family. Everything she had once knew and loved would be practically ripped from her and stomped on. She pushed the unwarranted thoughts back, she could feel her mood dropping, and by the look on Bes' face, it was like he could sense the sudden change to her demeanour. He sent her a concerned look and she gave a smile, trying to reassure him that she was alright. However, even to her, the smile was forced and did not reach her eyes.

She cleared her throat, suddenly uncomfortable under his gaze. "So...where are you taking me?"

He smiled, grabbing her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "You shall see."

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