the barrier

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-comment please it gives me motivation lol



so many different sounds filled her ears as she sat in the airport. onika often paid more attention to external factors around her while her internal ones went wild with anxiety and worry.

she listened to the sound of heels clicking the floor; childrens laughter, she watched as a few people argueon the phone—she even smiled softly when she saw a obvious reunions.

the airport was always chaotic.

people were always in a rush; you'll find anyone in an airport. the average person; a very obvious bussiness person—maybe a few influencers with their camera and vlogging. onika saw it all as she sat and waited for her plane to be called.

she nervously played with her fingers in her lap; the last time she had been in an airport was when she was just around 12 years old arriving florida.

she remembers walking off that plane feeling scared as she held both her older sisters hands. ming and lauren; they stood right beside her.

"atleast they were both there." she thought to herself.

onikas lived in florida for most of her life—it became her home in a way. but she always missed new york. as a little girl she'd dream of going back—even if queens was dangerous—atleast inside her little townhouse she had her family all together and okay.

onika smiled faintly at memories of eating together—all at one table. talking like a true family—asking about each others days and what not.

onika wished she didn't take it for granted. that joy was snatched from her so easily like taking candy from a baby.

when lauren suggested this; onika thought she was insane. the idea of leaving her sick sister and kids she practically called her own seemed absurd to her. lauren pressed that they'd be okay while she was gone, and that onika deserves to relax.

that was the last thing onika would be doing. she was on a mission, no matter how much lauren insisted that she shouldn't work herself so hard.

as onika prepared for this move a tiny voice in the back of her mind constantly told her this wasn't a good idea. but florida offered her nothing, truly. she's been planning this over the course of about 2 months. and now the time was here.

she sighed as her shoulders dropped—was this a good idea?

"sweetheart please stop overthinking; I can sense it from here."

onika smiled at the voice of her grandpa; she glanced over to the older man who wore a smile on his own face. his greying beard was as full as ever; and he sat with his dark wooden cane beside him. he was always well dressed; even to see onika off he wore his plaid grey dress pants and a nice grey blouse.

"you didn't have to get all dapper for me grandpa." onika whispered and the elder man just chuckled loudly while shaking his bald head. the glasses resting on the top of his nose jostled as he did so; "i dress like this everyday. you ain't nothing special." he joked as he nudged her and the young woman giggled.

just then she felt a small little hand on her face and a dent in her lap. she grinned down at the little gremlin who always managed to find time to climb onto her.

she allowed him too for this situation.

Luka poked her cheeks and nose as he studied her face. laying his chin on her breast as he looked up at her with a pout; his always mirrored hers. even though luka wasn't her son—they looked almsot identical to each other. he had all black hair that he often kept in a little fro; and his pout was consistent.

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