trial and tribulations. Pt. 1

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hi gays, im alive it's syd

never posted this for whatever reason

i love u all and will have an explanation for my very long disappearance in my profile message + updates on my life and i'm okay btw !

i hope you all drink water before reading this and maybe go back n read the chapter before just cause it's been so long like wow

onto the—show?


"is there any fast way around manhattan?"

onika asked as she glanced out the cars window, they were riding in a large black SUV—similar to the one Ari was always attempting to drive.

Beyoncé's first task for her was to pick up her dry cleaning, sounded easy enough.

until onika realized it took forever to get anywhere in new york city—especially manhattan.

ross gently tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "I wish there was a faster way-it's always like this." he commented, onika sighed and slouched in her seat. she hoped her boss wouldn't be angry with her—but she assumed the women was reasonable.


"i forgot how horrible traffic is here." onika mumbled after hearing the sounds of several cars beeping and squeaking—and she didn't only mean the streets. glancing out the window she saw atleast 100 people just walking, and they somehow all managed to mind their business and keep going to where they needed to go.

"a city where there's no time to stop, but no place to move." onika thought as she gently pressed the pads of her fingers to the window,

this was home?

maybe it's because she's only been here for a few weeks but this home doesn't feel like home. she sighed inaudibly; still staring out the window at the large buildings.

"how far is the dry cleaners place?" she found herself asking, ross happily respond as he slightly turned around. his blonde hair bouncing a bit.

"supposed to be a 10 minute drive but with this traffic I'd add another 20. and the time it's gonna take to drive back? we're gonna be awhile." he announced, onika just hummed lowly. She didn't want to seem lazy on her first day—but new york was traffic central. but at the same time she didnt want to take too long.

she weighted her options as she twiddled her thumbs, she could just sit and wait or...

her eyes traveled to the phone that was attached to some kind of holder on the car, it held the directions to the dry cleaners. onika asked lowly if she could take a look and ross handed it to her. she clicked down to see how long of a walk it would be, and it only said 10 minutes.

realizing this she grinned and took the phone and proceeded to open the car door in the middle of traffic. she could hear ross calling behind her.

"I kinda need that—ms maraj—ms maraj!!"

onika threw a quick sorry over her shoulder as she shoved through the bussling bodies.

after sprinting to get the dry cleaning, ross was able to meet her at the corner of a street and they managed to make it back—she apologized for stealing his phone and he laughed gently saying it was no problem.  

once they had arrived back at the building onika made her way to the floor she was told ms. knowles was on, she waited patiently in the elevator and watched the floors change. the number just went higher and higher.

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