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Irin: what are you even thinking of Becky you are not focus at all

Rebbeca: it's just there is lot on my mind rinnie

Irin just patted her shoulder

Irin: and i have no idea whats going on mind sharing

Irin heard everything as her friend told her about everything going on in her life how things are confusin her how it making her feel she needs do something how she is getting attached to this girl she met not so long ago

Irin: Becky that's actually lot

Rebbeca: I know I just want her to be okay

Irin: what if we checked on her family i mean which family won't be concerned if there young daughter is out for long period right?

Rebbeca: we can do that maybe we can get some answers . Wait how about we go there today

Irin : how will we find her house

Rebbeca: she lives somewhere near by that park. We can find house under name of her dad chankimha

Irin: yeah that we can do

Rebbeca: classes are done let's go

Both girl went to find the freens house

And they did find it

It wasn't that far away from park asking in neighbourhood help them find the house

They were right infront of door

Irin : go on knock

Rebbeca: it's making me nervous

With that rebbeca knocked

The man came out

Man : how can I help you ladies

Rebbeca: can I met mister chankimha

Man : you are talking with him

Rebbeca: sir I'm rebbeca I want to talk with you about freen

Mr chankimha: what about her ? She don't live here anymore

Rebbeca: we found her and she wasn't in very good condition she need your help sir

Mr chankimha: that worthless brat does nothing but creates problems I don't wish to help her or anyone with her you can leave. And please don't come back even if she dies or anything just don't

He just slammed the door

Rebbeca and irin just stood there shocked by the mans reaction

Rebbeca: did you hear that ? Why is he that rude about freen ? Why will he despise his daughter that much ? He said he don't care if she die ? You heard him irin

Younger girl was ragged by everything she heard and witnessed

Irin: calm down let's go from here

Both girl made there way out of there

Rebbeca: I cant imagine what he was like with her when she was with him in that house

Irin : but he is not even ready to speak how will we know anything

Rebbeca : let's just go home irin thank you for coming here with me

Irin: we will find someway just keep calm see ya tomorrow

Rebbeca: yeah bye



REMEMBER ME - FreenbeckyWhere stories live. Discover now