Chapter 17

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"Hello". "Is Roland there". "This is he, may I ask whose calling" I knew who it was but I was just being the natural asshole I was born to be. Symone seemed upset and anxious over the phone, so I told her where I was and what I ws doing, she told me that her mom was ready to take me out for dinber. It was about 6 and it would take me 2 hours to get home on the bus, so I called my grandmother to ask her if she could drop me off at my house she said sure. As I wait for her to come get me the high started to mix with my emotions and by the time I was in the car on my way home I had forgiven symone. I just couldn't handle being mad at My bestfriend for stupid reasons, we pull up to my house so I call symone and ask her where she is she told me that she was on her way to come get me. I was paranoid that her mom might smell the weed on my clothes so I changed shirts and sprayed my body down with axe. Symone and her mom pull up my drive way and I get in the back of the car and we drive to the crab spot the place where my birthday dinner was held, I walk in and sit down next to symone her sister was in front of us and her mom sat at the head of the table. Me and symone continue to talk and then we finally converse about the situation we had, I don't know how it got started or what brought it up, but all I can Remember is me telling her that I love her and that I missed her. I needed her as much as she needs me, and that pain and hurt that rested in her eyes for so long was finally gone I didn't see any trace of it she seemed happy and relieved. We get in the car to go to her house and me symone her sister and cousin we Are all in the living room, me and symone take a couple of pictures then we sat on her couch and played on my phone. Symone took out a piece of gum and held one half in her mouth and the other half out she turned to me and told me to take the gum out. I lean in and chew one half of the gum our lips touch for a slipt second and she pulls away, I guess you can kinda say it was like our first kiss sorta kinda. Me symone never make anything awkward she mentioned to me that they were going to the water park tomorrow so I asked her mother of I could join them tomorrow she said "why of course roro" so I told symone the good news and she seemed excited about it. Her sister drops me off at my house and as I walk up the hill and I unlock the door and step through, I look to my left where The couch was and I saw something there that caught my immediate attention.

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