Chapter 19

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Jenae never seemed like the shady type, the type to go behind her friends back and talk shit. Not just regular shit this was that heavy shit. Me amd jenae sat down and we started to talk about few things, one thing lead to another, and that thing lead to us conversing about symone. Now before I tell you about the conversation we had you must understand jenae is a snake, She's a manipulator she says things that'll stick in your head forever and it'll make you question people and their actions. Now your probably thinking like dude if She's a snake then why would you talk to her and entertain this. My mother always told me. Were put on this earth for more than one day so everybody deserves more than one chance. A motto that would stick by me my whole life, jenae told me that because of her medical condition that it prevented her from going to the air force and living out her dream, she said that there would be a 50/50 chance that she could and could not go. She also stated that senior year, there would be a new jenae this jenae would careless about people and their feelings, this jenae didn't have time for boys or drama especially symone drama. "Pause, wait, rewind" I said " symone drama?, jenae thats like yo bestfriend you need to be there for her". She would go on to explain to me that symone had to much baggage for her to keep up with. I sit in the chair confused "what the fuck" I think to myself she then goes on to bring up some interesting details about our friend including a situation that symone was involved in while living in Florida. Jenae went on to call the whole situation complete bull shit. She called bull shit for multiple reasons
1. If that happened to you would do all the things She's doing
2. Most victims are scared and symone act likes it never happened
3. She's been in numerous relationships ever since.
As I Listen to her point out these facts and theories I look at her as if I didn't know who the hell she was. She then looked at me and said "well Roland, dont you agree". That phrase rang through my head for the next several seconds until I finally gave her a response. "Lets go get some ice cream" she smiled at me with a sort of devious smile a smile that the devil usually shows when he managed to capture a new soul. She then continued to say "you know I'm right" for those of yoy who know me you know that smile I usually let out. Well more of a smirk, that shut up and lets go kinda smirk. She would continue to ask me if I agreed with her or not. I told her I've known symone for quite sometime now and those thoughts would have never in a thousand years have come to my head. As we are buying ice cream I start to chuckle and I look back on all the things jenae has told me, "how did you come up with all of this" I asked her she took one lick of her cone and laughed and said "its a lot". "I've got time" "well I don't" we argued back and forth until we both just smiled at each other she told me that it was time for her to go home her mom would worry so we walk to the bus station which was right across from the mall and her house we hugg and I give her a kiss on her cheek bye. As I get on the elevator to catch my train I can see her walk across the street and into the building which she lived in. "Well Roland, don't you agree" would live in my head for the next couple of hours. I arrive in doraville at about 6 o'clock. And as I'm getting on the bus to take me home I recieve a message from an unknown person. As I open and reply back to it little did I know this bitch would try to destroy my future before it even started

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