Chapter 21

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Jenae told me a lot of things that evening. She said that we should leave symone alone. I was scared for symone, if two of her best friends stopped talking to her and just left her in the dark again for God knows how long, she might crack under all of the pressure and go back to suicidal thoughts and try to take her life again, "I Cant do it" I said softly "I just cant" as my father pulls up to the school I begin to leave and just before I open the door jenae tells me that good news is coming my way tomorrow. Friday august 23rd, we didnt have football practice today something about a team virus so we were all sent home I'm walking to my Bus and I hear symone call my name she asked me if I still use that iphone I told her yes she said she would kik me I said ok "like she doesn't Kik me anyways" I thought to myself and she walked to get in the car with her mom and sister jenae's bus just so happened to be begind mine so we walked in the same direction just as she gets on the bus she turns around answer said "do what you think would make you happy". What I thought to myself but she got on the bus to quick for me to ask what she was talking about. As I enter through the house I get a message notification on my phone, and when I look at it it was a group of old friends who made a group kik so we could all stay together no matter what. So for the next hour or so we would continue to talk and laugh answer catch up, Then I received the message. It was symone and she said that her and her mother had been doing some thinking and that she really likes me and I should be her boyfriend senior year. "Perfect timing" I thought then I said to myself "this information would've been good to know about a month ago" I reply back with "really". She says "yes", it was an opem opportunity to get the love of my life back but, symone told me not to break up with Madi for her. But, I wanted symone back and I told her these things. She would then go on to say you can have me back lol I said I would have to break up with and i wasnt a mean guy so to get the jon done, I would have to pull a few strings I'm doing so, with the help of my friends from north springs I made it look like madi was cheating on me so I would have a reason to break up with her. I had one friend pretend to be madi ya know change her kik name and shit to match maid's. Then I had another friend pretend to be somebody else who kiked Madi all the time and she was his secret lover, now your either thinking childish or clever. I personally dont care I was getting my life back. So after that whole fiasco me and madi broke up, but I didnt ask symone back out, I sat and thought about, I loved symone that Much is true but we also dated before and only lasted 3 days. What if that were to happen again, what if we don't even work out, what if this is all a joke knowing that she was bi, what if she cheated on me with another girl, or worse left me for one, But she couldn't have been that bi if her last few relationships were dudes and shit. So many questions thoughts and theories ran through my head. Until I finally just took the risk and asked her out. For any of you that know me you all know that I am a risky person, how could I possibly lose I thought. So I asked her out or more so to be my girlfriend. She said yes, I was happy that I Got another chance with Her and this time I think I made the best decision yet. Me and symone talked for the rest of the night and she asked me " would it be weird If I told you I loved you right now". "No, we've told each other that before so I wouldn't be weird". She said "Ok" which was followed by an I love you. I smiled as I typed those same three words back. As the day ends and we start to let each other know what we have planned for one another, we both stumble across the same idea and many more like it.

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