Chapter Three (Reilly's POV)

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I let out a small fan-girl like scream once I get home. That was so... Perfect, He was perfect. The way he styled his hair to the side... The way his eyes lit up when he participated in conversation... Everything about him was so... Handsome, Adorable, Cute, Do I even have to mention that he has incredible manners!

"Reilly, Are you quite alright?" My roommate and best friend, Elise asks me.

"I was just on a date with the most perfect guy in the world," I explain as I take off my shoes.

"Ooooh! Tell me everything!" She demands, Pulling me over to the couch.

"We met at gamestop, And then he asked me out to lunch. We talked the entire time! To me it really felt like we had a connection," I say, I blush even just remembering the moment.

"How cute!" Elise replies, Hugging me. I was probably shaking from how happy I was, That happened a lot.

"I can't wait to see him again," I state as we break the hug.

"Somehow, That doesn't surprise me," She smiles. She knows me too well.

"Now I just have to wait for him to call or text me," I frown, Guys are so weird with first date type of stuff.

I get up from the couch, Walking over to the small kitchen, Sitting at the counter where my computer is. A notification pops up saying that I have a new subscriber on YouTube. I quickly check it, Very curious since I am a very small channel compared to some other people. 'Meet your new subscriber, Waglington!' My already existing smile widens.

"Someone looks happy," Elise giggles, Leaning over my shoulder to read the text on the screen. "Oooooh, Is that your new boyfriend?" She jokes. I nod, Slightly fangirling. "Your gonna stalk his channel now aren't you?" She questions slightly sarcastic.

"Yup," I answer, Clicking on his name.

Thanks to my best friend elise_fangirl for letting me put her in the chapter :P Go check out her stuff, She writes fan-fics too! Not about Wag though, Lol.

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