Chapter Ten (Reilly's POV)

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"You look really good in that top!" I exclaim as Elise and I look at each other after stepping out of the dressing rooms.

"Thanks, And I'm sure James could eat you up if he saw you wearing that top," She winks at me, Making me laugh. I had tried on a high-low tank-top that came up to my belly button and down to the top of my thighs.

"Alright well I still have some stuff to try on, So you can do whatever I guess," I say, Turning back into the dressing room.

"I still wanna see everything!" She replies, Sitting on a still directly across from the door.

"Fine," I giggle, Closing the door behind me and throwing off the shirt. I pull down my pants, Grabbing them then placing them on a chair. I remove the gray sweater dress from the hanger, Pulling it over my head. The dress itself was a little baggy but I really liked the style of it so I didn't mind. The top of the sleeves looked like they had been ripped, Which looked super cool. So in all honesty, I loved this dress!

"Reilly? You done admiring yourself in the mirror yet?" Elise giggles as I roll my eyes. I open the door and lean against the frame waiting for what she has to say.

"Whoa, Reilly, You look beautiful in that dress," She says.

"Thanks," I grin, Turning back into the dressing room, Pulling the door closed.

Elise and I pay for all of the clothes we picked out then exit the store, Loading the bags into the trunk. I put the keys in the ignition as we both get in the car.


J: Do you wanna go on a ice cream date?

R: I would love that! Do you want me to pick you up so we can ride in style?

J: I'm nervous now, But sure, Come pick me up.

R: Wear a leather jacket :)

J: Okay...

I throw on my leather jacket, My black combat boots and walk outside, Opening the garage door. I step inside, Grabbing two helmets out of the storage cabinet, I plop one of them on and hop onto my motorcycle.

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