Chapter Eleven (James POV)

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"You looked so sexy on your bike sunshine," I grin, Kissing her cheek.

"Thanks handsome," Reilly replies as we walk into the ice cream shop. We both go up to the counter, Hand in hand.

"You order first," I say, Rubbing her thumb. She quickly looks at all of the options.

"Um, I'll take a small cup of salted caramel," She decides.

"I'll have a large cup of cookies'n'cream," I order after she finished. We then both walk to the register to wait for our ice cream, And of course I was a gentleman and payed for her.

"Thanks bae," Reilly giggles, Kissing my cheek.

"Your welcome boo," I chuckle putting my arm around her shoulders. We both grab our ice cream and walk towards the nearest booth. She practically inhales her ice cream before I'm even half done with mine.

"I guess I was hungrier then I thought I was," She states, Sounding slightly embarrassed.

"I like it when a girl can eat," I reply, Winking at her. She blushes a little but, Half-smiling.

"Your so cute when you blush," I admit as her face turns bright red.

"Your so cute when you compliment me and make my cheeks look like the side of a firetruck," She replies sarcastically.

"Love you," I chuckle until I realize what I said, My eyes widen.

"What was that James?" Reilly grins looking straight into my eyes. It was my turn to blush now.

"I-uh-don't know what you're talking about," I reply, Taking a few more bites of ice cream.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I heard the words 'love you'" She drags her foot halfway up my leg, Teasing me. I blush even harder then I was before.

"You know what? Screw it, I love you, Like a lot, And I know we've only been together for a few days but I can already tell that I have fallen deeply in love with you and I don't ever want to let you go," I state, She looked shocked.

"No one has ever said something like that to me before..." Her voice cracked a little bit as she finished her sentence and half smiled at me. "I love you too James, More then you think," She says as her eyes start to water a little bit.

"Let's get going, I need to kiss you and hug you and cuddle you," I reply grabbing my leftover ice cream and standing up. She follows me out the door and her hand makes its way into my grasp as we walk to her motorbike.


But I'm other news, I started a new book! It's called Everything Else and I just uploaded the prologue if you want to check it out. It is a girl x girl story so if you're not into that kind of thing I wouldn't recommend you read it. Love you guys!

-Reilly :-*

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