Chapter 4

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It is 12 AM on the dot when Delia returns home. After getting ready for bed, she finds Specs' and Tucker's blog, and thoroughly studies a video of them calling out to a spirit with Elise. Although she doesn't have any equipment, she notices that Specs' voice alone is what brought the reaction. It looks like good articulation and patience is the key.

Once she's ready, she sits on her bed and turns the picture frame on her bedside table to face her. It displays her favourite picture of she and her Dad at a dance competition, where she performed a Swan Lake solo as Odette, the white swan. She was in the lineup to win, but unfortunately, she was one off that top spot. Her Dad told her that she was a winner in his eyes no matter what place she came, and that made her feel a whole lot better about the situation. She would always remember that moment.

Delia closes her eyes, other lovely memories of she and her dad replaying in her mind. She takes a deep breath and then projects her voice loud and clear.

"Dad, can you hear me? It's me, Delia."

"If you're there, please make your presence known. I want to talk to you."

"Dad, are you there?"

"Talk to me, please."

Ten minutes later, Delia finds herself almost emotional, repeating the same phrases repeatedly. Maybe she does need Specs' help, weather he's willing to give it or not. She decides that she will try again tomorrow as she never knows what could happen. She falls asleep within five minutes, today's breakup with Jonah completely blanked out from her mind.


Delia's eyes flutter open, and it takes her a while to realise she is not in her bedroom anymore. She sits herself up and notices that she's in a pitch black with corridor with no sign of light. She shuts her eyes tight and opens them again to check if she is dreaming. Nope.

"What the fuck," she whispers when a sudden light shines from behind her. She jumps and spins around, to see a red, fluorescent light, projecting from a slightly open red door. Once her eyes adjust, she frowns at it, not knowing if she's meant to go in or stay away. Maybe it was her way out of whatever this place was.

She stands to her feet and begins to slowly walk towards the red door. She hears no signs of activity, but clenches her fists just in case someone unexpectedly attacks.

She hesitates before heading inside, contemplating her decision. Something feels off and uneasy about it that she only just realised. She begins to take a step back. "Fuck this shit."

Immediately after a voice whispers out. Delia gasps in fright. "Who's there?" She leans forward while staying in position to see if she can hear what was whispered better.

"Deliaaaaaa," it murmurs in a haunting tone. "Who the fuck are you!" Delia shouts back. "What's going on here?"

It takes a while for the voice to respond. "You were warnedddddd, but you didn't listennnnn."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Delia asks, completely puzzled. This couldn't be real, could it?

The voice doesn't respond at all. Delia takes one step closer. "Hello? Show yourself, motherfucker!"

A pair of grey, scaly hands emerge from the door with a bang, grabbing Delia by the waste and pulling her inside the door

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A pair of grey, scaly hands emerge from the door with a bang, grabbing Delia by the waste and pulling her inside the door. She begins to scream out for help but is also aware that whatever grabbed her was definitely not human.

This is truly clear to her when the hands go around her neck, in attempt to choke her to death. That is when the killer makes its face known. It is a zombie looking creature, with piercing black eyes and black cuts and bruises all over its face. It is smiling at Delia, its razor-sharp teeth fully on display. It is tall and incredibly thin, to the point where all its bones are carved visibly on its skin, like a skeleton. It is a terrifying looking thing, that's for sure.

Delia begins to kick the demon in all places with her legs. The more she does, the angrier it gets. It lets out a blood-curdling scream that would even scare people who wouldn't be fazed by demons at all.

Delia does not stop fighting though. She uses her arms as well as her legs, despite almost passing out from the creature's grip on her neck. She soon gets a good kick in, which causes the demon to let go. She finally passes out as she falls to the ground.


Delia jolts awake in a cold sweat, her heart pounding in her chest. She looks around her and realises she is back in her apartment. She also doesn't feel any pain around her neck, despite being choked. It had to have been a nightmare, but the realest nightmare she's ever had. Maybe she lucid dreamed or something.

"Holy shit," she mutters to herself as she goes to get a glass of water and calm down a bit. Even though she believes it was a nightmare, she is still too afraid to sleep the rest of the night.

All she thinks about is weather to tell Specs or not. 

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