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"I'm so glad your mom is letting me stay over!" I told Alex. He hasn't said anything the whole time after we left the police station. "Why aren't you talking to me? What's wrong?" He put his hand through his hair and FINALLY spoke "Who's that guy? Cam? What's up with him?"

Did he really thing? WHAT?!

"What the hell? You think me and Cam? What! No babe no I would never do that to you! You're my one and only! Your all I care about!" He looked at me and I saw his face loosen up. "Okay, I'm sorry. I love you." He told me. He put his hand on top of mine and I locked our fingers together.

"How are you?" He asked me, caring. "I'm doing good. Just wish mom were here now." I said. "Did they catch the man that did it?" Alex asked. I nodded.

"OH MY GOODNESS!!! Kylie! That's so good!! Congratulations!" He was so happy. I didn't want to break that joy for him by telling him Paul did it. "Let's celebrate!" Alex said to me. He looked excited. "Alex, I'm sorry," I began, "I'm so tiered. Is it okay if we celebrate tomorrow?" He nodded understandingly. "No problem." He told me. He held my hand tight, as if I'd slip away at any moment.

I fell asleep when we pulled up to his house. "Kylie?" Alex whispered. He shook me gently. "Wake up Hun, we're here." He picked me up in his hands and knocked on the door. His mother opened it. "Alex baby, thank goodness you brought her home safely." She said. She let us pass and Alex brought me to his room.

"I'll sleep on the couch downstairs. You sleep in my bed." Alex told me as he laid me down. "No, no it's fine," I began, "It's already enough that I'm staying by you guys, I'm not gonna take your bed." He kissed me on my head and said "Move over."

He snuggled in, hands around me. And with that I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and Alex wasn't in bed. No surprise to me. He was an early bird. I saw flowers in a vase on a tray with breakfast. I took the tray and put it on my laps. There was a note saying:

"Breakfast in bed for you my love.


P.S- Off to get groceries. Be back soon."

I smiled. It was so good having Alex around. He was always so helpful and supportive. I ate quickly and then went to take a shower. I had nothing clean to wear so I went to Maryanne's (Alex's mom) closet and took out some clothes. We were so close I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I put on a nice summer dress with flowers and I put on my sandals.

I went down stairs and threw myself on their couch. I turned on the TV and watched Ellen DeGeneres. A few minutes later I heard keys jingling. It was Alex. I ran to the door and helped him with the grocery bags. He gave me a kiss and said "Good morning sunshine." I smiled and replied, "Good morning."

We went into the kitchen together and put the groceries away. Then we sat down on the couch together. Alex spoke first. "So Kylie. You didn't tell me who killed your mom. Do you know him?" I frowned. "About that," I began, "Do you remember a family friend of mine named Paul?" Alex's face turned with as he nodded. "Sooo, he killed her." I said bluntly.

Alex and Paul used to be really close friends. At one point they were like brothers, always doing things together. I saw it was hard for Alex to take this new information in. I moved closer to him and hugged him. "It's okay." He told me, "I knew he would never amount to anything. He liked to ruin people's lives. That's why I cut all relation's with him. Looks like he hasn't changed a bit. He's only gotten worse."

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