Page 3 of Letter

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A/N: Sorry guys that I'm not updating for so long. Summers here and I'm very busy. I write at night whenever I can and I will update as soon as possible. Sorry..

I ran outside and looked around for Alex's car, but it wasn't there. I sat down on the sidewalk and started crying. I hated myself! One minute I was in the car telling Alex how much I loved him and the next Cam was kissing me and I kissed him back! That's what bothered me the most. How could I kiss back? I felt so two-faced! 

I saw a note taped to the door of the building. It was from Alex. It said, "Kylie. Take your time. Figure everything out and decide if I should pick you up. ~Alex." This made me cry even harder. Alex cared so much about me. This kiss would break us apart if he found out.

But I called him. Because I'm stubborn like that. The phone was ringing for what seemed like forever. Then FINALLY Alex picked up. "Hello," He said so sweetly. "Alex!!" I yelled, and all of a sudden my phone went flying out of my hands. I spun around and there he was. The one and only. How did he even get out? "Paul!" I yelled, "How'd you get out?!" My body was shaking. Someone who was once my best friend was now my biggest enemy and my biggest fear. "Tactics." He answered, then continued, "You little bitch, how could you tell the police about me?" He asked. He was squeezing my fore-arm so tight! "Um if anyone's the bitch it's you. My family was so nice t you! And you go and freaking kill my mom?! Why would you do that? You-" He cut me off by smacking me in face. "Shut up! You should be thanking me for not killing you. I was going to but then I thought it would hurt you more if I killed your mom and if you were still alive to feel the pain." "Did you kill my dad too?" I asked. I was not being sarcastic. This guy was CRAZY. It's about time I start getting answers. Paul stood really quietly for a few seconds. As he was just about to say something, a bunch of cops came out of the station with guns in their hands and Cam yelled, "Put your hands up!" 

Paul backed up and was about to make a run for it but another guy caught him, and cuffed him. Normally, I would be crying. But my mind was racing too fast. I could barely think. The long pause when I asked him if he killed my dad. Could there be a possibility that he was the one? The cops brought him back in and I just stood there. Everything happened so quick. 

I tried to replay what just happened when someone came behind me and held my shoulder. I gasped and swiftly turned around to see him. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "This is all your fault." I answered. "You didn't answer the question. I asked are you okay?" He said. "There was a chance that he was the one who killed my father." I told him. "But didn't you father die because of a drunk driver?" Cam asked. "Yeah, but did they ever find the man who did it?" I asked. "We could look into it if you want." He answered. "You've done enough for today." I replied, and turned around to pick up my phone from the ground. But when I bent down, he pulled me back up. "Let go of me!" I yelled. I was so tiered of him. He had like a bipolar disorder or something. Just then a car pulled up next to us. I breathed a sigh of relief. Alex's car. He got out of the car and slammed the door shut. He came running over to me and gave me a big hug. But he pulled away quickly. 

"What's going on here?" He asked looked at Cam accusingly. "What did you do to her?" "I didn't do anything." Cam said. "Babe, is he lying? What happened! Are you okay?" Alex practically yelled. "I'll explain everything when we get back to your house." I told him. I just wanted to get out of there and away from Cam. "No, I don't think that's such a good idea..." Cam began, but Alex cut him off, "Shut up! You don't get a say in this girls life. So you can take a step back and sit down. It'll do you good." And with that Alex took my hand and we walked together to the car.

Once we got in the car, he began asking question. "Kylie! What the hell happened?" He asked annoyed. I looked outside the car window and saw Cam looking straight at me. "Can we jst get out of here?" I asked, and looked at Alex. He had concern written all over his face. He nodded and pulled out of the parking place.

When we got to the house, I ran up to Alex's room and locked the door. I just needed a moment to think! "Kylie!" Alex yelled running up the stairs, "Where are you going? We have to talk about this! I'm worried. You said when we got home we would talk." I just stood on the other side of the door and waited for him to walk back downstairs. "Okay," He said, "When your ready, I'm here for you." And he walked slowly back downstairs.

I sank to the floor, my knees to my chest and began to cry. What was I doing? Why was I acting like such a baby! Then I thought how much easier this would've been with mom. How this would've never happened if it wasn't for Paul. If Paul would be part of my dad's murder, I would take Cam's freaking gun and shoot Paul. Even if it meant a life time in prison. I HATE HIM!

The house phone rang and interrupted my thoughts. I got up and went to see the Caller ID. It said South Miami Police Dep.  Alex picked up the phone. I didn't even bother. I was too stressed. I went inside the bathroom inside Alex's room and sat on the toilet seat. I was thinking about my mom. I was thinking how she was probably looking down at me from above and watching over me. I thought about the good times I had with her from the past. When it was either her's or mine birthday we would have cake fights and in the summer we would always take these amazing vacations and have so much fun. Yup, those were the good days. "I miss you mom." I said out loud, thinking that she's sitting right next to me. "I love you so much! I wish I could have one more day with you. Just one day to see you again. I promise you mommy, I will make Paul regret it. I will hurt him so bad! Just like he hurt us. Don't you worry mommy." I didn't think it was crazy at the time. I actually thought it would heal me and help me in a way. I got up and looked in the mirror. I fixed myself up before unlocking the door and heading downstairs.

Alex was on the couch and he looked really sad. I walked up to him and when he looked up he gave me a smile and made space for me to sit. I sat down as he put his arms around me and I leaned into his chest. "Who called?" I asked after a few long seconds of quiet. "Cam." He answered and looked to see my reaction. "Why did he call?" I said not very pleased. "He told me that he was sorry for any misunderstandings and that he will stay away from you if that's what I want. Then he told me that today Paul got out somehow and when you called Paul was the one at fault, not him. I asked him how come you didn't want to touch him and he said it was because." Alex paused. My fingers were getting sweaty. What did Cam tell him?! "Because what?" I asked. "Because he told you that you have some long lost aunt or something who lives in Canada and he told you that you MUST go according to la and you got furious and you didn't want him near you." He finished. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say- loss at words. But Alex continued. "Is that true? Are they making you do to Canada?" He asked, tears in his eyes. "Yeah." I whispered and gave him  hug. "I can't believe this is happening." He said. "Me too." I replied.

We sat like that for a long time. The whole time I was thinking about Cam. How I had to tell Alex what happened. I didn't want to betray Alex, after everything he's doing for me. Alex  interrupted my thoughts my thoughts and said, "Well, if we're gonna be about 2,000 miles away, we gotta make the most out of the time we have. Wanna go to an amusment park?" Of course. Alex knew hoe much I loved  amusement parks, no matter which it was. Even if it only had kiddy rides. "Yeah, let's go." I said. We got up and went to the car. 

We ended up going to Grapeland Water Park. There was a beach there and we decided after the water park we would chill at the beach. Alex told me to forget about everything that's happened this week and have fun. And so I did, and it felt amazing. We played a bunch of arcade games, went on a bunch of rides and then finally went to the beach. I wanted to work on my tan and Alex wanted to collect seashells. He loved seashells, just like his mother. When they went to the beach together, they wouldn't do anything until they were satisfied with the amount of seashells they found. And when they'd get home they'd scatter all the new seashells on their kitchen table and admire them. We spent 2 hours in the beach. My tan was on point and Alex couldn't wait to show his mom the new seashells he found. 

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