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I placed my hands on the knob and was about to twist it, but was stopped by Lisa.

"Did you asked who is it on the other side?" She asked raising her right perfect brow.

"Um.. no." I replied shaking my head.

"That's the problem see. Be careful next time." She said in her sleepy voice and went to answer the door. She asked the other side of the person and it turns out to be the milkman. After this, I told Lisa to have the breakfast, but she said she wants to sleep so I let her sleep. Before going to bed she warned me about the answering the door. I went to the couch and turned the tv on to watch something and the Master chef was going on. I had my breakfast watching Master chef.

Little did I know that from a far there was someone who was always watching her.



I went back to my room. After watching the master chef I was feeling relaxed a little bit. It kinda made me forget what happened. But now it made me remind of that shit. Argh. Whatever.

"I need to open the cafe. Let's just get ready." I reminded myself and went to get ready. As it was little bit chilly and cold so I thought of wearing the black hoodie that has Taylor Swift picture on the front. And a black Wide Jean's that has, a cute little cherry on the side of the jeans. Then I wore a the makeup to cover the red puffy eyes of mine. When I was in bathroom I didn't saw the red puffy under my eyes, but now it's clearly visible that I have been crying for ages. Usually I don't wear makeup, because I don't like wearing them or I just do very very very simple makeup. A very light touch up. I sigh and started with my makeup. As I was doing that I again started to think how fucking stupid is my life. I mean stupid is not the correct word well certainly not but you can it's lifeless. I mean I just work like a fucking robot. Back at home I was starved for several days and my mom and dad would just beat the shit out of me. I was there working robot. My status was way lower like lower than the maid. Funny, right? I know. When I just faint or loose consciousness that's when I feel fucking relaxed. I mean for some reason that kind of darkness are what I love. That is why I escape the reality by reading books. I am afraid to people. Even though I work at cafe, I need alot of strength. I need alot of air to breathe too. I start to have panic attack at that time. By Lisa by my side I am good and alive well. ONLY FOR NOW. Yeah so my point is I don't like parties I mean I have tried going there not once but twice. I hate that alcohol too. I don't know, I mean many people got good life unlike me. I know I am not being grateful, to be honest I am grateful but the think is about the future. Yesterday that man came, today I don't know who else will come. I am scared of people. I am scared of touches. When an unfamiliar touches me either I flinch or starts to tremble. The worst can happen is that I start to loose the breathing at just lie that unconscious for hours or maybe for days. Yes, days I know bro that damn difficult it is.

I sighed heavily and then stand up to take a final look of myself. I have completed my makeup and thought of wearing black and white stripes of sneakers. I took my bag and keys for cafe and closed the door without making any noise. I texted Lisa that I left for the cafe and don't be late. I then put my headphones on and then started to listen the Taylor Swift song 'Bad blood'

Soon I reached the cafe and opened the door. I went to the store room and took the broom and started on the floor. After cleaning the floor I then cleaned the table and chair and sanitized them. Then I went to the front door and flipped the card which was closed at first now it's open. I then went to have fresh coffee. At that time the boss or you can say the owner of the cafe came and we both exchanged the greetings and went back to work.

"GOOD MORNING DARLING" Lisa said loudly. For a second I thought I would be deaf forever. But still bro... Iove her alot. Well, she came on time and went straight to the changing room. While she was changing, I finished my coffee. Right at that moment they was a sound of bell, notifying us that the customer has arrived. I went to the counter and saw the girl and a man sitting on the left side of the table. Lisa went to that table and took the order. While she was taking order I saw a my phone and got a text from an unknown stranger. Strange. 'Who gave my now to her/him?' I thought while my thoughts were interrupted by that man. I didn't saw my text and kept my phone in my pocket. The man paid for the food and coffee and when back to the seat. I prepared everything and Lisa took them to their seat. The silence was loud. I was getting bored. I took my phone and saw the unknown strangers text again. I forgot to read.

"𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮... 𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮.. you look so fucking adorable in that black." The unknown strangers text.

"Who?" I texted. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Who the fuck is it? A stalker?. Omg I already have too much problem now this. God why are you so unfair to me? As I was lost in my thoughts my phone *ding* made a sound of notification.

"𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 , did you just forgot me? We met yesterday 𝓶𝔂 𝓬𝓾𝓹𝓬𝓪𝓴𝓮 . It hasn't been 24 hours and you forgot about me?" The unknown stranger asked.
First of all What the fuck just happened I mean... I... I am fucked up.

I froze on my spot. I was like numb. My brain is not working so as the world I feel. Lisa came worried because she was calling me earlier I was not replying. She shook me and asked what happened. I fell on the ground, the thud was the only thing I heard. Lisa cupped my face looking straight into her eyes. My visions were blurry. Tears were already streaming down my face. I was devastated.

"Is everything okay?" That man in the cafe asked. Lisa covered me and replied

"Everything is okay, sir. Thank you for your concern."

He nodded and went to his seat. Lisa left a relief sigh. And again she started to coo me. She told me to breath I breathed and did what she said to do.


"What happened 𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 ? Can't breath?" The unknown stranger asked.

Hello guys and Happy Eid al-Adha. Hope you had fun with your family and friends.

So how was your day?
Yeah and thank you so much for the support.

Be happy and keep supporting me.
Lots of love(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Lots of love(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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