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"Please, stay awake bambina." He panicked seeing her lose her consciousness.

"guida più veloce, maledetta stronza."(DRIVE FASTER YOU FUCKING BITCH). He shouted at the driver. His little angel just fainted few seconds ago and now seeing her in a lifeless position made him enraged. The driver went in full speed as it was a highway. After 10 minutes they reached at the hospital as it take 2 more hours to reach at the mansion so they went to the nearest hospital. They reached the hospital, before the driver can stop the car, the door of the car burst opened. He entered with her in his arm in the main hall. Everybody's focus were on them.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE DOCTOR?" He shouted at the lady from the receptionist.

The lady flinched by hearing his deep, harsh voice. As she was about to say, the doctor came and asked what happened. Micheal explained the situation. The doctor asked the Micheal to put her on the stretcher. He did as the doctor told her to do. They then went to a room. After 10 mins, doctor checked and said she just fainted because of stress.

"Is something troubling her, sir?" The doctor asked in calm tone, but from inside her was scared as fuck. He might pee in his pant that scared he was. Who doesn't value their life?. The doctor doesn't have any option. He must check and cure her or else by tomorrow morning he would be 6 feet under the ground. That is the grave.

"As far as I know, no nothing is troubling her." Micheal said in his deep, thick, authoritative voice.

'Dumbfuck. He must be the one who is troubling her. See how pale this poor girl is. If this asshole wasn't have been there then I might have saved her from all this stress and fear. She is scared of him. That is clearly visible. I am not a fool. I have seen this kind of cases alot. I think I have to deal this with confidently and calmly. Arghh. Okay I can do it. Being a doctor, I have to motivate myself only. Haah' The doctor thought to himself.

The doctor cursed the devil in his mind because he doesn't have that much courage to speak or even curse in front of the devil.

"Okay. After few hours you can take her at home. Just be careful with the words sir. She is already stressed, because of that she might even try to commit suicide too. It that sever. Hope you understand sir." The doctor said to the Micheal. Trying to make him understand how sever the problem is.

Micheal nodded his and went towards Maddie, who was laying lifeless like a doll. A lifeless doll. He brushed his hand through her soft, smooth, curly wavy hair.

"Maddie. Please wake up." He requested to her softly. It's not the first time he is requesting her to wake up. In the past also he had requested her for alot of things too. He only requests to her. Only to her.

He was totally worried about her. He had never in his life worried about anything except her. She is an exception for him. ONLY AND ONLY FOR HIM.

He sat beside her, rubbing her hand, making sure she get enough blood circulation. He stroked her hair and her soft, chubby cute cheeks. While stroking he saw tears running down from her eyes. And she was starting to tremble. At first the trembling was slow but then it got worse. He was trying his best to calm her down but that's not the case her. She was having nightmare. He was not understanding that it's the starting of the nightmare. He called the doctor or should I say yelled at the doctor?. The doctor came running from the fear of losing head. The doctor was breathing heavily. He breathed in and out as much air as he can. Then his eyes laid on the shaking figure. A small petite figure who was shaking so much. The doctor took his stethoscope and started to check her pulse and her heartbeat rate. He then took the blood pressure of her and saw it was high. He the give her the injection to sleep. He then turned towards the Micheal and told him no need to worry about her she is fine. Just a nightmare that all. He nodded his and again begin to stroke her. The doctor went away to do his pending work.

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