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Hello guys✌️... Today I am in a good mood and have a good news. "The Werewolf" have reached 1.13k views . I mean I am so damn happy right now. Thank you so much for wasting your time and reading my book. Thank you so much. I appreciate it alot. Thank you for your efforts. I hope in future you will be promoting. Please vote guys. You all are my inspiration. When I saw I got 1.13k views it inspired me to write this chapter. So if you guys vote and share, then it will inspire me alot. Okay thank you again so much. (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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"Ahmm..." Maddie released a soft moan while stirring from her sleep. She didn't realised that she was in his lap. She cuddled more thinking it would be Lisa who she is cuddling with, but how wrong she is. She slowly starting to realise the shape she is cuddling with. Her eyes were closed thinking how can Lisa be this fit. And has far as she knows she slept on the soft doughy like pillow. Her thoughts came to halt when something tightened on her waist.

She hissed internally. To be honest she was scared. She was so scared to open her eyes thinking he might have got her. She prayed. Prayed to God to listen to her this last time. She offered or bribe to the God. Aish... That's what we call life. Not everything happens according to us. She opened her eyes and saw, one of the most mesmerizing eyes in the world. If she was not scared of him because of the past, then she would have been still in his arms. Loving the warmth and would have been still cuddling with him.

Everything changes. Nothing is permanent. Humans changes their behaviour like changing their clothes. She knows he is just obsessed with her. Obsession is not love. Obsession is same like addiction. Love is not an addiction it's an emotion. Emotion of care, emotion of commitment, emotion of understanding, emotion of trust, emotion of intimacy, emotion of warmth. Did she every felt love from him? That was the question which was haunting her the most. If yes, then why is she scared? Why is there no trust and understanding in this love?

Because it's not love just an obsession over her. He doesn't know or want to know. He thinks this is the only way she will love him. This is the only way she will live with him, if not then he will cage her. Cage her like a bird. A bird who has wing, who can fly but not freedom. The bird is not free to move. He will cage her like the same bird who will be with him. Forever. He won't even let his eyes close. He will keep his eyes focused only on her.

She looked straight at his eyes. Those green orbs looking straight at her and said

"Finally 𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮. You are looking at me. I missed those glaze. I missed you. Do you even know how much I searched for you? I fucking missed you so so much. God, I missed you, your smell. God man, you smells divine Maddie." He said those words with a sad smile. He sniffed her to calm himself down. She smelled divine and he was getting boner down there. In this ride, only he knows how he controlled. His angel sleeping in his arms and in his lap peacefully there he was getting hard and hard. He is trying his best not to scare her byt don't know how long that will last.

By hearing those words, Maddie came back to her senses and started to tremble terribly. The fear was noticeable by everyone. The fear was visible in her eyes. She closed her eyes and bowed her head down in fear. She was shaking. Shivering from fear that he caught her. Can she run away again? Can she escape again from him? Can she again make it alive? Can she again live peacefully? Her train of thoughts were cut by his words.

"Breath 𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮. Shh.. shhh stop crying. Don't cry. Please don't cry. Just breath with me. Come on you can do it. Right? Yes you can" He cooed her with is words. He saw her shivering. He saw her, she was shaking too much. He saw her in deep thought and was not breathing. Her eyes were glossy. She was crying too much. He knows she was scared of him but this much was intense.

She tried her best to listen to him, but the fear was so high that black dots started to surround her. She was unable to do anything. Slowly everything turned black and the last thing she heard him say was

"Please, stay awake bambina."


Thank you again guy's. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Have a good day. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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