{Chapter - 4}

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Y/N was in her college. She was not being able to concentrate in the class at all. Her mind was only thinking about that strange man over and over again.

"What's wrong with you y/n?" Lisa asked seeing her inattentive bestfriend.

"I don't know Lisa. My mind has turned into a broken radio. It is playing the same cassette over and over." Y/N said being frustrated.

"Haha what are you saying?!!!" Lisa started laughing at y/n's such odd words.

"Aish! you leave you won't understand." Y/N replied being monotonous.

As soon as the bell rang, y/n packed her bag and went out of the classroom. She was feeling suffocating. However as always being clumsy she didn't notice the tall guy infront of her. She bumped into someone's hard chest and was about to fall, so she closed her eyes waiting to fall on the cold ground but a pair of strong arms wrapped around her petite figure stopping her from falling down. She slowly opened her eyes and found a very familiar face infront of her.

Those same cold, dark eyes staring straight into hers. Those hypnotizing eyes could easily dominate over her. She was ready to get lost in them. However soon she came back to reality.

Correcting her posture she stood straight as that man left the hold on her.

"Umm sorry." Y/N said lowering her gaze.

"Hm." That's the only thing he replied and went from there.

Y/N stood there flustered thinking about whatever happened. That intense eye contact, her heart was beating really fast.

"Ugh heart what happened to you why are you beating so fast." She felt like it would explode any moment.

So was the condition of Taehyung. He came in the college because of some work related stuffs. He was the head of the trustees. Even though he avoided going personally but for a few days the college was being targeted by one of his rivals.

What he did not expect was that y/n was a student too. She was having a strange affect on him. Usually Taehyung would have been angry on someone that much clumsy. He always wants perfection and hates clumsiness but y/n, her doe eyes could never make him feel so.

«Taehyung's pov»

I saw a small girl suddenly bump into me. I couldn't see her face because I was looking ahead and she was small in height. She was about to fall hard on the floor but due to my fast response I caught her in my arms. As always I was so angry that I wanted to kill that person infront of me. But as I looked at her face with hatred filled eyes I recognised her.

She was y/n. I don't know why but suddenly on seeing her face my anger went down automatically. It was not because she was my teacher's daughter instead she really had some magic in her. As she opened her innocent doe eyes I could feel myself getting lost in them. She looked so small in my arms. Her pure innocent eyes filled with love felt like the total opposite to my rage filled nature.

As we both got back into reality I realised I have never felt this much calm ever before. As I passed by her, those eyes started coming back into my mind over and over. Everytime I would think of her my heart beat would go fast and the temperature around me seemed to be raised.

What have you done to me y/n? Why are you like this? What is this feeling?

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw uncle lee entering the room. I stood up from the couch like a respectful student and motioned every guard present in the room to go out of there.

«Author's pov»

Mr. Lee was there to tell everything about his illness. Till that day he had taken care of everything very well but now he knew he will not be there anymore. He was sure that it will be hard for Taehyung to accept too but he was a strong man, he surely will be able to manage everything.

"Yes, say uncle." Taehyung said in his cold tone but a bit soft than usual.

"Tae, you have always been like my own son. I always wanted a son like you and I think that's why God gave you to me. I know all these things must be sudden but if I don't say now I will never be able to say anymore." He paused for a bit to look towards Taehyung who was looking at him with confused eyes.

After a bit of pause he said, "I have last stage cancer. Doctor said I don't have more than 3 months in my hand. So now that I have come at this point in my life, I hope that you will be able to carry on this throne well. You surely will be able to carry on the duty like your ancestors."

Mr. Lee completed and took a deep sigh. Taehyung was sitting there dumbfounded not knowing what to say. He felt as if someone pierced his heart with a dagger. He was bleeding and was in total pain. However he didn't knew how to express those sudden emotions. He had been a stone hearted since forever and suddenly he realised that's the half truth.

He still had some emotions and feelings left in him. He himself was unknown of them and currently he felt weak. However he took a deep breath knowing he can't breakdown just like that. He didn't wanted to fall weak not atleast infront of his teacher.

"I understand uncle. I know I am not a very good student but you have always been my only motivation and inspiration. I will make sure to grow more and fulfill all our dreams. You tell me what else you want me to do. Let this student pay little bit of his debt to his teacher."

Mr. Lee looked at him with glossy eyes. He surely had a request to make but he was unsure if he should ask but Taehyung himself was asking him.

"Tae, I do have a request for you. Will you do?"

"Of course. No matter what it is I will do."

"But, you don't know what it is yet, are you sure whatever it is you will do?"

"Yes uncle, I have never given you anything as a reward. You deserve something from your student. I, Kim Taehyung is saying to you, ask for anything."

"Tae, marry my daughter y/n."


So here's the fourth chapter. One thing, if you are reading this please vote the chapter if you liked and feel free to comment. As all your votes and the comments encourages me to keep writing. I purple you all 💜💜✨

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