{Chapter - 20}

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"Why can't I love her" Taehyung muttered to himself before throwing his body on the couch in his office room.

He was frustrated somehow but he was feeling bad. The confession made him realise he was already trapped in something he never wanted to.

However for the first time he felt bad about rejecting her. It was not the first time when someone said that they love him.

He had many girls before who would confess their feelings to him. However Taehyung never even gave a second thought before rejecting them all harshly. He was like a stone who had no feelings.

It should have been same for y/n but that didn't happen. He didn't want to reject her. At the end he wants to be loved too.

Are you really going to give up on your words for love? You have been following the motto for years now why is it suddenly changing.

Taehyung asked himself but he has no answers to it. Y/N was different for him. Something special. He was not protecting her because he was asked to, he did that because he wanted to. The very first time they met, by that very first time she felt different.

As if she was made only for him. It was destiny that they got married and were staying together. The destiny that might seem cruel this time did something for the better good. That's what he felt when he saw her in her wedding dress.

When Y/N accepted him as her husband it felt like that was ultimately what he was born for. He was born to be hers and she was born to be his.

Taehyung could see his mother in her on the very first day. The warm smile that could easily melt his ice cold heart. He felt very much connected to her. Those eyes of her that was only filled with love, care and emotions quite opposite to what his eyes had.

That's right it felt they completed each other. 'They were made just for each other'. The truth was Taehyung fell in love at first sight too. However he doesn't want to accept that. Taehyung doesn't want to accept that y/n was the one for him.

Taehyung groaned in pain that he felt from inside and looked outside the window. It was in a while that he looked at the sky which was brightened by the moon. Moon's light was lighting up the dark room of his.

He sighed and headed towards his room to find Y/N, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Some moon light was falling on her face which made her look no less than any angel.

Taehyung could not help but to adore that beauty of hers. He was unknowingly appreciating that perfect beauty infront of his eyes. Her cute little face that may have flaws for others but for Taehyung it was flawless.

"How can someone look this much beautiful even while sleeping?" Taehyung spoke in a whisper tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. He couldn't stop gazing at her face.

Taehyung also had some different expressions on his face. His dark eyes were softened and were filled with adore and care. His lips curved and formed a little smile on his face. Anyone else would surely get shocked because it was for the first time in years that Taehyung smiled.

He had been all alone for years. He had absolutely forgot how it actually felt loved by someone. A lone tear escaped his eye which he quickly wiped away.

No I can't fall weak. I have to stay strong. I need the revenge.

Taehyung said to himself trying hard to not let his emotions take over him. However little did he know he has already become weak. Weak for that little girl. A mere girl for others but was the only one who melted Taehyung's ice like cold heart.

That night Taehyung stayed in his office room as he wanted to give y/n some space after what happened before.


As y/n wokeup in the morning she started getting flashbacks of the previous night. She was completely overtook by her feelings and emotions. She held her head and groaned in disbelief. How could she confess all those feelings of hers.

She thought Taehyung will now hate her so she had no more courage to face him. She just quickly got up and got ready for the day. She was supposed to be rejoining college so she packed her bag and went downstairs.

She froze on her spot as the maids suddenly came to attend her.

"Good morning mam, Sir told that from today onwards you need to go to college so do we need to do anything for you. Like your clothes or hair." One of the maid said in behalf of everyone but y/n just stood there startled.

"No no. I did everything. Now I will go." She said and was trying to quickly escape not wanting to meet her cold husband. However fate was never on her side.

"Where do you think you are going without having the breakfast?" Taehyung said almost growling. Y/N saw all the maids quickly bowed their heads as Taehyung came downstairs.

"Were you planning to skip meal?" Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow. However y/n said nothing. She was somewhat scared after knowing what he actually was. She was ashamed too for suddenly confessing her feelings. Moreover she was angry that Taehyung just left her and rejected her like she meant nothing to him.

She just stood there pouting keeping her head low. Taehyung bent at her level and held her chin softly yet firmly and lifted her head up.

"You are my wife Mrs. Kim. So don't keep your head low. You will always look into my eyes." Taehyung said in a dangerous voice which made Y/N shiver in fear. She quickly nodded her head not wanting to create anymore scene.

"Now come" Saying this Taehyung held her wrist and dragged her to the dining room while y/n just allowed him to do so.

He sat on the biggest chair as always while y/n struggled pulling a chair which was twice her height.

"Come here." Taehyung ordered and y/n just looked at him confusedly.

"I said come here. I don't like to repeat things." He said again in a more dominating way.

Y/N gulped and went towards him. Without a warning Taehyung swiftly picked her up by waist and made her sit on his lap.

"W-what are y-you doing?" Y/N said being shocked by his sudden actions.

"Stop speaking and eat." He said and held the spoonful of food infront of her mouth.

"W-why? T-there are p-people." Y/N said struggling on his grip. He was holding her by his one hand.

"No one speaks anything against me. No one will have any problem. I will make sure they don't." He said and gave deadly glare to every maid who were standing there. They quickly lowered their gaze.

Knowing it was of no use to fight y/n started eating without anymore complains. Taehyung just fed her and at the end when they were done he saw there was some bread crumbs on the corner of her lips.

Taehyung's gaze shifted to her plumpy lips. He started going near her. As their faces came dangerously close to each other, y/n kept her hand on his chest being nervous. However he just licked the corner of her lip which was like a small peck.

Y/N's face suddenly turned red at whatever he did. She quickly stood up from his lap being all nervous and shy.

"Why? Y-you sa-said you d-do-on't love me." Y/N complaint like a little kid.

"Maybe I am just trying to love you."


I know the story is a bit slow. However trust the process. The whole thing is planned very well in my mind so don't worry. Just keep on reading. I just didn't wanted to create a Fanfiction but somewhat a romantic novel. So the characters will take time to develop. However I promise you all will be satisfied with the final result.

Peace ✌️🕊️.

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