{Chapter - 29}

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As the gates of the mansion opened, cold breeze entered making everyone present there to shiver. The calmness, the coldness the silence everything just signalled about the upcoming storm. A storm that no one could stop.

Upon the order from the MAFIA KING himself every maids and cooks who were in charge of the whole house stood in a line. They were almost 30 in total which consisted of 10 cooks, 15 maids who took care of the whole mansion, like cleaning, dusting various rooms and running errands. 2 Special maids were kept to attend Taehyung who almost had no work after y/n came. 2 maids were to attend y/n for anything like dressing up, eating and anything when Taehyung would be absent.

They had no work either because y/n liked to do her own jobs. So these four would usually help the others. The last one, she was the youngest among all. Even though Taehyung didn't wanted to keep such young girl as a maid but thinking about that her parents' are in extreme debts and also stay ill, he decided to appoint her.

Initially she had no work to do, however as y/n came she was appointed as her personal maid because she was almost the age of y/n. That way she could be in comfort. The girl was none other than Sana who now stood in the corner with her head lowered, fiddling with her fingers and quite stressed out.

Everyone was there standing trembling in fear and suddenly the environment started becoming darker. Even if the bright lights of the mansion was lighting up the room like a day still everyone felt it was all dark.

Soon the click sounds of soles touching the floor were heard. The quiet room was filled with the click sounds and with every passing minute the heartbeats of everyone started to rise. Still no one dared to look up.

Soon there entered everyone's fear ‘KIM TAEHYUNG’. He walked past everyone and sat on the couch comfortably. His legs spread apart , gaze all dark. The soft aura that he had with y/n was long lost. This time it was replaced with the darkest and the coldest aura. He sat there resting him on his back and took out the gun and started playing with it.

His gaze fixed on everyone standing there.

"I will ask only once, who gave y/n the drink?" His voice still calm but he was just trying to not outburst suddenly. He was fuming in anger.

On getting no response, he got more angry. This time he yelled in his deep voice.

“I SAID WHO GAVE THAT FUCKING DRINK TO Y/N??" He growled like the tiger and everyone shivered.

However soon a faint sound was heard. A maid kneeled down as tears flowed down her eyes she started begging infront of that merciless person.

"I am sorry. I gave it but I didn't knew anything. I am so sorry." She said crying continuously.

Taehyung smirked but it was full of anger.

"So you did it huh?" He said pointing the gun. However as everyone looked the gun was not pointed at the maid on her knees instead on Sana's forehead.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as her secret was now out infront of Taehyung and maybe no one will be able to save her now.

"What do you think? Remember this is my mansion and my eyes are always on you all. You knew y/n had a deadly allergy that's why you asked her to give that milk right?"

" I-I am so-sorry sir b-but they kid-kidnapped m-my parents." Sana said sobbing very badly while having hiccups.

"They will be saved but you deserve the punishment don't you? You tried to kill y/n who loves you so much. She thinks you as a sister isn't it."

He said and held the gun on her forehead. Sana closed her eyes in defeat, as tears rolled down her cheeks knowing nothing can save her from that man. Everyone present there knew that if Taehyung decided to kill someone he will do that and he doesn't need to think twice for that. He never knew mercy when it came to his business.

This time it was about his love, whom he loved more than himself. She is now the only person that matters to him. His index finger circled the trigger of the gun and he was just about to press that.

"WAITTTT!!!! PLEASE DON'T SHOOT." Taehyung's heart almost stopped because he saw y/n suddenly came running and stood infront of Sana shielding her. If by any chance he did a mistake the trigger would have been pressed and y/n would get the bullet.

He immediately throwed the gun in the ground before pulling y/n for a tight hug.

"What are you doing?? Do you know what would have happened if I didn't stop on time." He said sighing out of relief. Y/N hugged him back which calmed him down too. They pulled out of the hug and y/n ordered everyone to leave except for Sana.

She now stood facing Taehyung locking their eyes.

"Tae, I know you are angry, Kookie said everything and I also got to know what Sana did but please don't kill her. I am begging you. It's not her fault. Please for me leave her." Y/N begged infront of her. Taehyung looked at her in disbelief. How can someone be like that, she was litteraly shielding the person who tried to kill her.

"But y/n I can't believe her." Taehyung said showing his concerned look.

"I know Tae, but please. For me." Y/N said showing her doe eyes.

Taehyung might be rough but his toughness never worked infront of y/n's doe eyes. He would do anything to complete her requests.

He took a deep breath before glancing at her once again.

"Okay if you say so." He said and y/n jumped like a kid.

The next moment she happily tip toed and kissed that angry man on his cheeks. He calmed down but still managed to show fake anger.

Y/N just started kissing him all over his face and finally he gave up on his fake anger. He smiled slightly at his love and pecked on her lips.

"Are you okay now love? Does it hurts anywhere? Why did you suddenly leave hospital huh?"

"I am sorry Tae, but I had to know what happened to you so I asked Kookie. At first he didn't say anything but later said everything that he came to know from one of your men.

Taehyung hummed.

"You go to the room I want to talk to Jungkook." Y/N nodded obediently before grabbing Sana's wrist dragging her to their room. That girl didn't speak a word or didn't even looked up as she was ashamed of what she did.

As the girls reached the room, y/n hugged Sana. She was taken aback by her sudden action.

"It's okay, I know you didn't do it on purpose." Y/N said and the later hugged her back crying her heart out. Y/N knew she had a lot going on otherwise she would have never done that.

"Wi-will you forgive m-me?" Sana said breaking the hug.

Y/N looked at her and nodded her head as a no, to which Sana just looked at her feet not daring to have an eye contact and bit her lowe lip. She was feeling really bad that she lost such a good friend.

"I won't forgive you because I was never angry on you at first place." Y/N said and smiled brightly and Sana looked at her disbelief but then again pulled her into a hug still crying.

"Sorry........ y/n.......... and.......... Thank......... you" She said sobbing really bad.

"Sush, everything is okay. Also I am your friend na? Then in friendship 'No sorry and no Thank you'."
Y/N said patting on her back and comforting her .

"Hyung is it them?"

"Yes, it's the same man. The one I am searching for years and maybe he was just waiting for this moment to come. I knew it before that's why I tried to not keep any ties. But now that I love y/n she is my responsibility. I am no coward who will be afraid of him. He thinks lovers are at loss but I will prove him wrong. I won't let him repeat the history. This Mafia King will take his revenge at any cost and also protect his love at the same time. I won't make the mistake that Dad did. I will show him who Kim Taehyung is."

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