Chapter 12: Sleepovers with Slytherins

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Harry stood watching as the ballroom full of Death eaters rose and began gathering themselves up to leave. Corvinus had dismissed them not long ago, but he wasn't foolish enough to assume he was included in that group, nor did he really want to leave. He paused for a moment at that thought, and then determinedly set it aside to deal with later. He didn't need existential crises until he had more facts, and even then, he'd prefer to deal with them alone. He sent a glance at Corvinus and continued to pet Sirius.

Intellectually, he knew he was petting his grown adult of a godfather, and he thought that ought to have disturbed him in some way. It didn't seem to matter, though, in the face of the dog's happily thumping tail and comforting fur.

"Come Harry, and bring your dog." Corvinus gestured with one arm, holding his elbow out as though Harry were some sort of medieval maiden. He glanced at the elbow and then met Corvinus' eyes. He glanced back at the elbow, which Corvinus finally dropped with a sigh, but he did continue to gesture toward one of the back doors to the hall. Harry nodded, gathered Padfoot with a glance, and set off following the Dark Lord.

He felt the hair at the back of his neck twinge slightly, and he glanced back to see Lucius, Narcissa, Severus, and Bellatrix following. He craned his neck trying to learn whether Draco was tagging along, but couldn't see him. He raised an eyebrow in question.

"My son is currently spending time with his Uncles," Narcissa smiled tightly. Harry nodded in thanks and offered her a small smile.

"We have twenty minutes until dinner, and then the goblins are expecting us in the Gringott's private floos at nine this evening." Corvinus smiled, and the Malfoys and Snape peeled off from the group down a side hallway. "Come Harry," Corvinus kept moving as he explained. "I've had a room set up for you in my own wing of the castle. It will be yours until you tell me absolutely that you do not want it any longer, and you are welcome to redecorate to suit yourself. Your dog father—excuse me, your godfather," at this Sirius let out a series of loud barking laughs, "has adjoining rooms." He sent a long dark look at the dog. "You will be Harry's guest as he is mine. For as long as you enjoy my hospitality, I expect no treachery, Black."

Sirius pawed at the collar and shot a look up to Harry. Once it was gone, he transformed and faced the Dark Lord, "I vow on my blood and my life," he conjured a knife and slashed his palm, "that I shall offer neither violence nor treachery on condition that my godson remains unharmed in mind, body, and spirit." The three of them watched as the blood fell red to the floor before Sirius vanished it and healed his hand. "Good enough?" He asked with a saucy grin.

Corvinus nodded, impressed. They stopped in front of a large set of double doors. "These will be your rooms, Harry." He smiled softly as he opened the right door and ushered both men inside.

Harry's jaw dropped. He'd been spending most of his time in his little corner of the hospital wing. But this was impressive. He was looking at one large, essentially empty, room. The walls had been painted a clean white from the middle up, and the lower half was paneled in dark wood. A large four poster bed, easily fitting five professional wrestlers, stood against the wall opposite the door. To the left, a wall of windows looked over manicured gardens. Harry wasn't sure if that was the true view or a magical one, but either way, it was lovely. On the right, the wall held two doors.

"I'm afraid you will have to share a washroom," Corvinus explained, heading to the door in the middle of the wall. "It will open into your dressing room," he waved toward the other door, "and into yours, Black."

Harry leaned his head into the washroom and saw a large soaking tub, a shower cabinet, a long vanity with two sinks, and two toilet stalls hidden behind courtesy screens. He smiled. Each wall held a door, and Harry poked his nose into each. Two of them held extremely large wardrobes. More like clothing rooms he decided. Both the wardrobes were essentially empty, but that made sense. Neither he or Sirius had brought any clothing along, not that any of his was worth hanging up in this lovely room. The other door led into a second, far less grand bedroom. It also held the essentials, a bed, desk, chair, small sofa, but it had no windows and was considerably smaller. Harry shrugged. It was still better than the cupboard.

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