Chapter 21: Through the traps... and the door

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Harry glanced at Corvinus briefly, wondering if they'd be taking a break like they had yesterday, but the man looked impatient to get on with things, so he settled into his seat. He preferred it this way too. If this chapter really was them going through Fluffy's trapdoor, then it wouldn't be too much longer before this nightmare was over. He never wanted to do this again.

His heart sank a bit at the thought. Corvinus had said there were seven books, which meant he'd be stuck here listening to, and no doubt getting into trouble over, things he hadn't even done yet. He picked at a seam on his trousers and wished he could skip that. It wouldn't even be worth it to know the future, since they were changing everything.

...he half [...] any moment

"Did you really?" Corvinus smirked at Harry.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, I had no idea you were already in the school, did I?"

Corvinus chuckled, but Severus was troubled. "My Lord," he spoke up. "How is it that no one knew of your presence?"


"The protective wards around the castle ought to have prevented the entry of anyone possessed. They also ought to have detected the presence of the unicorn's curse on Quirrel. So, why did Dumbledore not send you away?"

Lucius had nodded along with Severus, following his train of thought. "Indeed, My Lord, the man must have wanted to trap you there for his own purposes."

"Or test me," Harry added, sullenly. He hated the way Dumbeldore kept throwing him into dangerous situations with little or no preparation.

Corvinus turned to him, a thoughtful look in his eye. "Yes," He sighed. "He sent you to those foul muggles for a reason, and he needed to see if it had worked as he planned. He needed you with no self-worth and a desperate need to help others."

"He got it," Harry scowled.

Corvinus brushed his fingers over the boy's hand. "Hush, your desire to help others is a good thing, and we will all work to improve your sense of self. I promise." He lifted the hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss of promise there.

... anti-cheating spell

"Do anti-cheating spells actually work?" Harry asked.

"Well, it depends on the circumstances," Corvinus hedged. He didn't want to test the patience of the potions professor in the room by revealing to an entire ballroom of teenagers how to cheat on their exams. "I'll explain them later?" He lifted his eyebrows and shifted his gaze to Severus and back. Harry grinned and nodded.

...tried to remember [...] forgetfulness potion

Lucius snorted. "Really, Love?" He turned to Severus.

Severus' lips were pressed together to prevent a smile. "Entertainment comes in many forms, Lucius."

...hooded [...] blood

"Potter had a nightmare?" Draco taunted, but Harry barely even glanced his way.

Rodolphus had had enough. "Oh, shut up you puffed up little punk. With the stress of a brand new world he had no knowledge of, exams to decide whether he was worthy of that new world, lack of sleep, and a constant stabbing pain, is it any wonder he had a nightmare or two?"

Draco fell silent under his mother's glare. Honestly, it hadn't even been that bad. Not like before, when he'd wanted to kill the brat. He just, well, he just wanted to show that the Boy Wonder wasn't so wonderful. What was wrong with that?

Of course, now everyone was exclaiming over Potter this and Potter that and how brave and how strong, and it made Draco ill.

"Did you go to the matron, Harry?" Corvinus could guess the answer.

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