The start

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I heard my farther scream as I drove down the drive, he has been drinking again. I had had enough. For years now he had abused me, my mother died when I was 14, leaving my farther destroyed. I was only little and I didn't know what was going on, all I knew was that she wasn't coming back.As a child that crushed me causing me trauma from how she died.
I raced out of the driveway and on to the street,
I was at least going 50 mph on a 20 mph road. I pulled on to the highway and sighed as relief started to set in. I was free!! I was fucking free! Away from that monster . I screamed with excitement as I drove to my new home. I had been saving to move away since I was 16 , I wanted a big house, a house that I could live in for the rest of my life as far away as I could get from my father.
As I arrived at my new gorgeous home I could here a familiar song playing from my neighbour's house but I couldn't quite remember how I knew it. I shrugged it off and started to unpack my car, it was 5:45 when I finished unpacking, I had a little suitcase with all of my clothes in and a duffle bag full of my makeup and accessories so it didn't take me long to unpack. I walked up stairs and collapsed on my bed. I was so exhausted I didn't even eat dinner that night.

I woke up as the sun came crashing into my room shining straight to my eyes, blinding me. I rolled over and saw that it was 12:00 I jumped out of bed so fast that I almost passed out from the head rush. I ran straight down stairs to start breakfast. My stomach was growling at me for not getting dinner last night.

I ran back up stairs as my eggs were cooking. I jumped straight into the shower and washed my body not bothering to wash my hair . I got out and the bathroom was filled with steam making me sweat. I dried my hair and stuck it into a ponytail, I pulled up my black running leggings and pulled my running bra over my head. I ran down the stairs and turned the radio on, the eggs were just a little burnt but I didn't mind. The radio started play my favourite song, complicated by Avril Lavigne .
I sang along while eating and slipping my shoes on. I washed my plate and opened the front door, my cell in one hand and my keys in the other as I finished adjusting my shoes.

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