He was right

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Me and Tom left the hotel room and headed downstairs to meet the others. God Tom was right last night, I really do fucking hurt!
'Tom' I whimpered
'What the matter?' He asked pulling me away from the others
'You hurt me last nighttt' I whined
'Oh did I' he laughed
'No it's actually not funny it fucking hurts what did you do?!?' I panicked
'Lily I didn't do anything I did the same we normally do' he said then awkwardly laughed
'I don't know but it better stop hurting I swear to god' I said before holding his hand and walking back to the others

'You alright guys?' Bill asked looking at us strangely. Me and Tom both looked at each other and laughed
'What!?' Bill asked 'what am I missing out on??'
'You don't want to know' Tom laughed and sat down. I sat down next to him, he slid his hand under the table and placed it down my shorts. His finger tips passed my clit every once and a while making me jolt, every time that happened Tom would look at me or giggle.
'Are you guys alright?' Maddie asked looking at Bill then they started to laugh
'Yea..h' I tried to speak but Tom pushed his finger into me. I slightly winced and grabbed the table cloth and shut my eyes ,then Tom pulled his hand out of my shorts.
'lily are you okay?' Tom whispered into my ear
'No you hurt my fucking fanny' I blurted out. Bill and Maddie just started at me in horror, I turned to Tom who was laughing and I buried my head into his neck.

After an embarrassing breakfast we walked back to our rooms to get changed.
'I'm so fucking embarrassed!'I said as I threw my self on the bed
'It's fine they won't care' Tom laughed
'I need some paracetamol!!' I groaned
'Here' Tom got up and gave me a packet of pills
'What is this?' I asked
'Paracetamol, what do you think it is?' He said with a strange look on his face
'Druggss' I joked. Toms smile dropped ' wait whatt' I said not laughing this time
'Nah I'm just fucking with you' he laughed

We got changed then Tom got a call. I couldn't hear the other line again but by Toms face I knew something was wrong, very wrong! Tom hung up and slammed his phone on the side.
'Tom talk to me what has happened?' I asked him
'Lily...ii' he started to breakdown, he was practically hyperventilating. I got up and pulled him to the bed to let him sit down. I just hugged him and let him cry, he grabbed my top and pulled it closer to him. His other hand grabbed my hair as he buried his face in my chest , I had one hand round his back and the other was giving him head scratches. Bill then bursted into the room and was hysterical crying too,Tom pulled his head up and then got up and hugged Bill as they both broke down. Maddie then pulled me out of the room bc I had begun to cry. I was practically in hysterics too, Maddie pulled me in and hugged me.

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