Our final chapter..my love...

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,yes' i screamed as I jumped on to Tom knocking him over. He grabbed my waist and gave me many kisses, I couldn't believe it. I was marrying the TOM KAULITZ fuck I was excited. Shortly after we left the beach and headed home, we both jumped into the car. It was a short ride back to the house. I was so excited to tell Maddie. Then it hit me! Why would Maddie try to kill herself and why was Tom crying about it. And the way they looked at eachother and why she was being off we me, she didn't want to hurt me I know she didn't. But I can't help but feel like something happened between Tom and Maddie.

My eyes start tearing up and my nose starts running. Fuck. Tom looks over to me, I turn my head to look outside so he can't see my flushed face.
'Hey lily' he stops
'Mmh' I say
'What's up' Tom put his hand on my thigh making me jump. His hands on my body the hands that have been on Maddie body. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to. Your making this up. It's not true. Lily Tom loves you. I kept on telling myself this, I needed to see Maddie. The silence grew louder and louder.
'I..I um..need to see m.Maddie' I whispered. He rubbed my thigh and squeezed it before speaking again.
'Why we've just seen her?' He questioned me. A lump came to my throat.
'No I'm I need to speak to bill' I said with a crack in my voice.
'Why' Tom laughed
'I just do' my voice now firmer now
'Ok jeez' Tom sighed as he turned around and drove to bills.

I jumped out the car and banged the door, no one answered. Fuck. This time I banged even harder, I saw a light switch on. It was bill. He opened the door and I let myself in and shut it. Tom was still in the car.
'Lily what the fuck are you doing?!' He shouted.
'Shut the fuck up!' I said as I dragged him into the kitchen.
'What's happened are you alright?' He asked
'I think something happened with Maddie and Tom' I said as tears slowly fell from my eyes
'Me to' Bill said as he pulled me in for a hug. I had 1000 thoughts racing through my head. I couldn't concentrate.
'Lily what are we going to do' bill was crying as well
' i don't knoww' I cried. I heard a car door slam
'Fuck it's Tom' I said to Bill, he looked down at me and smiled. Why did he smile.
'I'll handle it you get a drink' he said as he left my grip I now felt empty. I went over to the liquor cabinet and poured myself a drink. I could hear Tom and bill screaming in German, then I saw her. She was standing there watching me drink, she looked confused. This was shot I could now scream at her.

But I couldn't, I wasn't very good at letting my anger out and Maddie knew that. She gave me a smug look then walked away, she knew. She knew that I knew and I hated that!

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