Chapter #1

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Chapter #1
Janet's POV
I'm sitting in a pub with a few of my friends when I notice a man making a blond woman around my age uncomfortable. "Oy leave the lass alone." I tell the man getting a smile from the lass. "Or what?" He slurs. "Or ye will deal with me." I tell him. He throws a punch landing on my jaw. "Ah shite." I murmur. "What ye going tae dae?" He taunts and I deck him knocking him out. "You didn't have to do that. But thank you for getting him away from me." She says with a smile. "Ye arenae from here are ye?" I ask with a smile. "What gave it away?" She asks sarcastically. "Can I buy ye a drink?" I ask. "Sure I'm Scarlett." She says, reaching out her hand for me tae shake. "Och where are my manners? I'm Janet." I say shaking her hand. "Jamie ye already ken my order and Scarlett what dae ye want?" I ask. "Just a beer please." She says and Jamie the bartender and good friend nods. "Here are yer drinks ladies." He says handing us our drinks. We talked till it was closing time. I noticed her get nervous about walking alone in the dark. Her hotel was on the other side of town after all but my apartment is just down the street. "I ken we only met a few hours ago but would ye like tae come back tae my place with me?" I ask. "Ok." She says after thinking about it for a bit. "This way." I tell her, holding out my arm which she takes easily and it feels like it was meant tae be linked with mine. Maybe it's the alcohol talking. "Your grandparents won't mind you bringing a random girl home from the pub?" She asks. "They arenae here. But this isnae something I dae very much. But there is something about ye that makes me drawn tae ye." I admit. "This place is nice Janet." She says when we get inside. "Ye can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I tell her. "You aren't sleeping on the couch there is plenty of room in that bed for the two of us. Come on." She says holding out her hand I take it with ease. "Would ye like tae borrow something tae wear. That cannae be comfortable tae sleep in." I ask. "If you don't mind." She says, making me smile. "I deh mind Hen." I say, freezing when I realized what I said. "I uh I um.." She cuts me off. "I like it." She says and I'm a blushing mess.
Scarlett's POV
I wake up with a killer headache and strong arms around my stomach. Then I remember last night and how she protected me and gave me a place to stay because she didn't want me to walk alone at night. I just met this woman but she makes me feel safe. I roll over and notice dog tags around her neck. I remember her telling me she's in the army. I bet she looks hot in uniform. Stop Scarlett, you just met the woman. "Ye ken it's creepy tae stare." She says with half open eyes. "I um I uh sorry." I stutter making her chuckle. "Janet dear... Oh sorry." An elderly woman says poping her head in and quickly leaving seeing that I'm wrapped in Janet's arms. "I'm sorry I thought they'd be gone all weekend. My apologies Hen." She says and there it is again that name. "It's ok. I know we just met last night but can I um can I kiss you?" I ask and she pulls me in for a kiss and I see fireworks behind my eyelids. "Wow." She breathes when we pull apart.
1 month later
Janet has been showing me around Inverness all month. I have this constant feeling that I have to be near her. She is driving me to my hotel right now. "Here ye are." She says god that accent does something to me. "Would you like to come in with me?" I ask. "Are ye sure?" She asks. "Yes." I say confidently. We walk in and up to my room. "This place is.." I cut her off with a kiss that she returns and soon becomes heated. "Before this goes where I think it is there's something ye need tae ken about me." She says nervously. "I know." I tell her and her eyes go wide. "Ye ken? How?" She asks. "I kinda figured it out when your friend was poking me the morning after we met." I tell her. "And ye arenae grossed out. Most women I've dated where." She tells me. "No no I'm not. We don't have to if you don't want to." I tell her. "Trust me Hen I want tae." She says taking off her jacket and shirt. "Fuck." I breathe seeing her very toned body. Soon our clothes are gone and we somehow got in bed. "Ye are bonnie Scarlett." She says. "You're not so bad yourself. Please, I need you." I tell her and she kisses me as she inserts her full length in me making me moan in a mix of pleasure and pain. "Shit!" I yell out tears sting my eyes. "Faster." I breathe out and she starts thrusting her hips at a fast pace. The pain starts to stop and all I feel is pleasure. I've never felt this before. "Fucking hell Scarlett!" She moans her movements starting to get sloppy as she reaches her own high. "Fuck! Cum with me Baby." I tell her not knowing where this confidence is coming from. "AH YES!!" "FUCK SCARLETT!" We scream at the same time. "That was amazing." I breathe. "Oh shite Scarlett ye are bleeding." She says panicking damn it these are white sheets. "Did I hurt ye?" She asks panicked and I shake my head. "Let me get ye a bath tae help the sore muscles and change the sheets for ye." She says kissing me on the head. "Wait!" I call out and she turns on her heel to face me. "Yes Hen?" She smiles. "What does this make us?" I ask. "Well I'm a lesbian and lesbians have the stereotype of moving fast in a relationship for a reason. I've been taking ye out almost everyday for a month. So if ye want we could give it a go." She says. "Really? I live in the states and I go back in two months. How would we make that work?" I ask. "My job sends me all over the world. I can visit ye when I'm not on deployment like I dae with my grandparents. And yeah I ken it's only been a month but I really like ye Scarlett. I really dae." She says. "I like you too. You should know something." I say. "That was yer first time." She says as if she can read my mind. "How did you?" I ask. "Well multiple factors the bleeding for one and how ye got nervous after I asked if I hurt ye." She says holding my hand. "Let me get that bath ready for ye now." She says before giving me a real kiss. It wasn't heated or hungry but loving. I have to call my sister.

Ok that went faster than I expected. Anygays see you in the next one.

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